The best way to protect yourself against EBT theft is to call 1-888-328-2666 to change your PIN number before the state of each month.

Due to renovations the DSS Manchester office will be temporarily closed. A new temporary location opened Monday, Jan. 27 at 146 Hartford Road, Manchester. 

Connecticut Integrated Care for Kids


Integrated Care for Kids (or InCK for short) model is a child-centered local service delivery and state payment model being implemented nationally by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Center (CMS Innovation Center). The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS), which chose to participate in this model along with several other states and organizations nationally, selected a local lead organization (Clifford Beers Inc.) to implement this model in New Haven, Connecticut. The goal of this model is to reduce unnecessary expenditures and improve the quality of care for children through prevention, early identification, and treatment of behavioral and physical health needs. The model is first being tested and evaluated in the New Haven area and, pending outcomes, could be expanded to additional geographies. More details on eligibility criteria are provide in information below.

Additional Information

State of Connecticut (DSS) documents

Federal (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) documents:
