The best way to protect yourself against EBT theft is to call 1-888-328-2666 to change your PIN number before the state of each month.

Due to renovations the DSS Manchester office will be temporarily closed. A new temporary location opened Monday, Jan. 27 at 146 Hartford Road, Manchester. 

Child Support - Custodial Party Information


Income Withholding

An Income Withholding Order (IWO) is an order that a court or IV-D child support agency sends to the non-custodial parent's employer to instruct the employer to withhold child support payments from the non-custodial parent's income. The withheld payments are then sent to the Connecticut Centralized Child Support Processing Center (CCSPC) to be associated to the appropriate child support case. State and Federal law require that a non-custodial parent pay by an IWO unless a court approves an alternative arrangement. It is important to pay through IWO because it helps to ensure that payments are made in a timely manner, in the correct amounts, and to the right parties.

If you have an attorney, you may need to bring the new form to his or her attention. For attorneys, the form and instructions can be found by following this link (JD-FM1).

If your case is pro se (no attorney), there are a few things you will need to know about the new form:

The correct version of the IWO form MUST be used. The form can be found by following the link above. If this form is not used, the employer can refuse the withholding order and not withhold the income.

The information you will need in order to complete the form can be found in your most recent child support order from the court. If you do not have a copy of your most recent order, you can obtain a copy from the office of your County Clerk. Once you obtain a copy of your most recent order, follow the instructions in the link above.

Payment Disbursements

Most payments posted to child support cases are disbursed electronically, either by direct deposit or by using the Connecticut Child Support Visa® Debit Card. Electronic payments are convenient, efficient, and safer than paper checks. Electronic payments eliminate the possibility of a check being lost, damaged, or stolen. A custodial party may choose which method of electronic payment is preferred. The selected method will be the same for all of that custodial party's child support cases as long as the payments are posted by the Connecticut Centralized Child Support Processing Center (CCSPC).


Direct Deposit

Child Support payments are deposited into a custodial party's personal checking or savings account. If a custodial party chooses direct deposit, he/she must complete and return the Direct Deposit Authorization Form, with all necessary documentation to the Connecticut Centralized Child Support Processing Center (CCSPC). After an initial 10 day waiting period to allow for verification of the banking information, any child support payments received will begin to be deposited into the designated account. Custodial parties who have questions about direct deposit or have made changes to their designated account should contact the CCSPC Customer Service at 1-888-233-7223.

Connecticut Child Support Visa® Debit Card

The Connecticut Child Support Visa® Debit Card is designed for safety and convenience. The debit card account is a good choice if a custodial party wishes to keep support payments separate from a personal bank account or if a custodial party does not have a personal bank account. Custodial parties with questions about the Connecticut Child Support Visa® Debit Card or for more information, please call the CCSPC Customer Service at 1-888-233-7223 or click:

How to use Your Connecticut Visa® Debit Card
