2016 Meetings and Conference Calls
Advisory Council Call 12-07-2016
Advisory Council Meeting 11-17-2016
SHIP Action Summit 09-08-2016
Advisory Council Meeting 07-27-2016
Coalition Conference Call 06-20-2016
Advisory Council Meeting 04-07-2016
Coalition Conference Call 02-08-2016
Advisory Council Meeting 01-21-2016
2016 ACTION TEAM Meetings
Chronic Disease Prevention 12-14-2016
Maternal Infant and Child Health 12-13-2016
Mental Health & Substance Abuse 11-02-2016
Maternal Infant & Child Health - Every Woman 08-24-2016
Health Systems 08-17-2016
Mental Health & Substance Abuse 08-12-2016
Chronic Disease Prevention 08-11-2016
Injury & Violence Prevention 08-10-2016
Maternal Infant & Child Health - Screening 08-10-2016
Environmental Health 08-09-2016
Infectious Disease 08-05-2016
Maternal Infant & Child Health - Oral Health 08-04-2016
Environmental Health-Healthy Housing Group 08-01-2016
Environmental Health-Lead Prevention Group 08-01-2016
Injury & Violence Prevention 07-26-2016
Health Systems 07-20-2016
Maternal Infant & Child Health - Oral Health 07-19-2016
Infectious Disease 07-18-2016
Environmental Health- Lead Prevention Group 07-13-2016
Environmental Health- Healthy Housing Group 07-13-2016
Chronic Disease 07-11-2106
Injury & Violence Prevention 07-11-2016
Maternal, Infant & Child Health 06-28-2016
Environmental Health 06-22-2016
Health Systems 06-21-2016
Chronic Disease 06-16-2016
Infectious Disease 06-06-2016
Chronic Disease - Obesity Group 06-06-2016
Injury and Violence Prevention 05-23-2015
Health Systems 05-10-2016
Mental Health & Substance Abuse 05-04-2016
Chronic Disease Prevention - Obesity Group 04-27-2016
Infectious Disease 04-26-2016
Injury & Violence Prevention 04-25-2016
Maternal Infant & Child Health - Every Woman 04-12-2016
Health Systems 03-31-2016
Environmental Health 03-29-2016
Infectious Disease 03-29-2016
Maternal Infant and Child Health 03-28-2016
Environmental Health 03-23-2016
Injury and Violence Prevention 03-18-2016
Chronic Disease Prevention - Obesity Group 03-14-2016
Environmental Health 03-02-2016
Environmental Health - Housing Code Group 02-29-2016
Chronic Disease Prevention 02-18-2016
Mental Health & Substance Abuse 02-03-2016
Maternal Infant & Child Health - Every Woman 01-08-2016