
Rabies is a viral disease primarily of animals caused by infection of the brain and spinal cord. People get rabies from the bite of an infected animal. In many areas of the developing world including Asia, Africa, and South America, it is attributable most often to dog bites. In the United States, where rabies in dogs has been largely eliminated, rabies is still widespread in wildlife. Bats, raccoons, skunks, and fox are the major reservoirs and serve as a source of potential infection for other animals and people.

In 1991, a resurgence of rabies in Connecticut followed the spread of rabies in raccoons from southern states and resulted in the first rabid domestic animals in the state since the 1940s. The raccoon rabies outbreak reached Connecticut in March of that year, entering Fairfield County through New York state. Over the following 4 years, it spread to all eight counties and remains present throughout the state.

Rabies testing done at the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) Laboratory allows the DPH to monitor the occurrence of rabies among wild and domestic animals. Results are also important to guide the medical management of patients exposed to potentially rabid animals.

After an incubation period that is usually 3-8 weeks, symptoms in people progress over the course of several days from a flu-like illness to encephalitis that may be characterized by confusion, agitation, hallucinations, and muscle paralysis. Once clinical signs of rabies appear, the disease is fatal. However, disease can be prevented by thorough wound cleaning and timely medical treatment that includes administration of one dose of immune globulin (antibodies) and 4 doses of vaccine over 2 weeks.

Vaccination of domestic animals is an important component of rabies prevention programs. Connecticut state law requires vaccination of cats and dogs. In addition, dogs must also be licensed.

When making decisions related to rabies postexposure prophylaxis, health care providers are encouraged to refer to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) rabies vaccine recommendations.

Current Rabies Vaccine Recommendations

Use of a Modified Preexposure Prophylaxis Vaccination Schedule to Prevent Human Rabies: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — United States, 2022

Use of a Reduced (4-Dose) Vaccine Schedule for Postexposure Prophylaxis to Prevent Human Rabies: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

Human Rabies Prevention - United States, 2008: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

Important Contact Information

Department of Public Health, Epidemiology and Emerging Infections Program: (860) 509-7994

For questions concerning human rabies exposures (e.g. risk assessment, treatment).

State Public Health Laboratory: (860) 920-6662

For questions concerning submission of animals involved in human exposures for testing (e.g. packaging, forms).

The Department of Agriculture, Animal Control Division: (860) 713-2506

For questions concerning domestic animals (e.g. biting incidents, quarantine, vaccination).

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Wildlife Division: (860) 424-3011

For questions concerning wildlife (e.g. biting incidents, wildlife management, rehabilitation).

Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory: (860) 424-3011

For questions concerning submission of animals where there is no significant human exposure (e.g. packaging, forms).

Local Police Department, if prompt assistance is needed.

Additional Resources

Connecticut Department of Public Health

Rabies Statistics, Connecticut

Annual Infectious Diseases Statistics

Rabies Testing of Domestic and Wild Animals – Connecticut, 2014-2015

Rabies: Avoiding Risky Behaviors (webinar)

Rabies Brochure

State Public Health Laboratory

Request for Rabies Examination Form

This form should only be completed by an appropriate submitter. The submitter must be the authorized person who will be notified of the results and will provide consultation regarding the need for testing the animal (i.e., Animal Control Officer, Environmental Conservation Police Officer, health care provider, local Health Director, Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator, police officer, or veterinarian). This form should not be used by the general public. In the event of a potential rabies exposure, please contact your local health department or local animal control officer.

Rabies testing hours

Connecticut Department of Agriculture

Rabies Manual

Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection

Rabies and Wildlife

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

About Rabies

Rabies: A Forgotten Killer

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, 2016


Last updated 3/12/2025