There are many man-made and naturally occurring chemicals in our environment that can harm our health.  These hazards can be in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat or the products we use in our homes and yards or the schools our children attend.  DPH has programs to evaluate these chemicals in the environment, assess whether exposures are significant enough to cause harm, and provide health education information so the public can be better informed about these hazards and how to avoid them.

Air Pollution - Questions about hazards of common outdoor air pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter.

Fish Consumption Advisories - health information about eating fish safely.

Groundwater and Well Contamination - Health information about water contaminants and evaluating testing results.

Hazardous Waste Sites and Soil Contamination - Health information about hazardous waste sites, mercury, and other soil contamination issues.

Home and Garden Hazards - Health information about chemical hazards in your home and garden.

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) - Information about environmental conditions associated with building materials, furnishings, and consumer products that may affect the health of occupants in residences, schools, and non-industrial work places.

School Environmental Health - A central site to find out health information about various environmental hazards in schools including indoor air quality, asbestos, and radon.