Accomplishments in 1999

February 1, 1999

The General Assembly confirmed Governor John G. Rowland's nomination to reappoint John J. Armstrong as commissioner of correction.

May 26, 1999

The department dedicated its first daycare center, in Niantic, for the children and dependents of agency staff. The pleasing and well-fit indoor setting and fenced outdoor play area serves 30 children from ages six weeks-six years. The center was created entirely with correctional resources.

June 20, 1999

Unified School District 1 introduced an program to enhance the transition of inmates into the workforce upon release. As part of the program orientation, two-day special work assignments are set up in four towns at entry-level positions.

July 1, 1999

The department returned $3.2 million to the general fund from its legislative appropriation for fiscal 1998-99-the fifth consecutive savings. The agency in the past five years has returned $117 million to the general fund.

When comparing calendar 1994 with fiscal 1998-99, escapes had plunged 96 percent, inmate-on-staff assaults had fallen 45 percent, inmate-on-inmate assaults had declined 28 percent, furloughs had fallen 95 percent, and inmate disciplines had dipped 11 percent-despite the 18-percent increase in the inmate population during that span.

August 7, 1999

After 20 months of curricula, operational review and the implementation of 30 new procedures to align the facility with American Correctional Association standards, the ACA accredited the Maloney Center for Training and Staff Development in Cheshire.

September 15, 1999

The Central Transportation Unit's name and mission change. The newly named Correctional Transportation Unit now handles all high profile and high security escorts and has significantly increased its support to other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.

September 19, 1999

The State Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Department of Correction when the Velez v. DOC court decision redacted good time awarded to inmates after October 1, 1994. As a result approximately 145 inmates previously released to the community were successfully remanded to custody to serve the balance of their sentence.

October 19, 1999

Administrative Directive 10.19, American Disabilities Act took effect, enacting legislative compliance in correction facilities statewide.

October 23, 1999

The department exercised the legislative option to transfer up to 500 inmates out-of-state. The Department of Correction entered into a three year contract with the Virginia Department of Corrections to assist in maintaining public, staff and inmate safety.

November 8, 1999

The agency's Administrative Directive 10.19, American Disabilities Act, concerning the care and custody of the disabled inmate, was recognized as a national model by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC).

November 15, 1999

Governor John G. Rowland presented the Governor's Service Awards to two Department of Correction employees. Also receiving the award was the Turning Point Program at Garner Correctional Institution. This program works with at-risk-youth to make smart life decisions, and explains the negative consequences of criminal and drug involvement.

Statewide standardization initiatives in all programming began with cognitive behavior training called "Thinking for Change". The program is based on the premise that an individual's criminality will decrease with altered thinking processes.

November 17, 1999

The agency relocated its nationally recognized gang management program to Northern Correctional Institution.

December 30, 1999

Department employees raised over $34,000 for the Connecticut Special Olympics through the Law Enforcement Torch Run.