Administrative Directive Chapter 2
Human Resources/Employee Services

The Administrative Directives are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. If you have not yet installed Acrobat Reader, you can download it from the Adobe website.

Chapter Title
2.1 Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
2.1 Form Affirmative Action Complaint Form
2.2 Sexual Harassment
2.3 Employee Selection, Transfer and Promotion
2.4 Employee Separation and Reemployment
2.5 Performance Appraisals
2.6 Employee Discipline
2.7 Training and Staff Development
2.8 Employee Benefits
2.9 Employee Recognition
2.10 Employee Centered Programs
2.11 Employee Dependability
2.12 Employee Safety
2.13 Employee work Attire, Personal Appearance and Identification
2.14 Personnel Records
2.15 Hazardous Duty Staff Deployment
2.16 Honor Guard
2.17 Employee Conduct
2.18 Critical Incident Stress Response Program
2.19 Employee Health
2.20 Early Closings, Late Openings and General Closings
2.21 Smoke and Drug Free Workplace
2.22 Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
2.23 Job Sharing
2.24 Employee Arrests, Restraining Orders and Criminal Summons
2.25 MRSA Prevention and Management Protocols for Employees
2.26 Social Media
2.27 Americans with Disabilities Policy - Employee Based
2.28 Employee Respirator Policy
2.28 (Attachment A) Qualitative Fit Testing N95 and P100 Respirators
2.28 (Attachment B) N95 and P100 Respirator Qualitative Fit Test
2.28 (Attachment C) Quantitative Fit Testing CBRN Respirators
2.28 (Attachment D) User Seal Check Procedures

Exceptions, Inclusions and Revisions