Inland Wetlands and Watercourses
Connecticut has a long history of protecting its land and water resources. In 1972, the state legislature enacted the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act (IWWA). This law provides an orderly regulatory process that balances the need for economic growth with the need to protect our environment. The IWWA declares it is the public policy of Connecticut to require municipal regulation of activities affecting inland wetlands and watercourses. As a result, every municipality has established an inland wetlands agency to implement and enforce the law. These agencies play a vital role in protecting our natural resources and in shaping our state's landscape. The DEEP's Inland Wetlands Management Program assists Connecticut's 169 municipalities and the public in administering and understanding the IWWA. For additional information, please view the links provided on the left side of this page. Connecticut's citizens will find the General Information page helpful.
New! Wetlands and Watercourses Online Complaint Form
Do you have a wetland or watercourse related complaint? Use our Wetland Complaint Intake Form to let us know!
Inland Wetlands and Watercourses: A Cooperative Ecosystem
The Inland Wetlands Management Program has created this new outreach material intended for towns to be able to use to clarify the different roles and responsibilities that play into wetlands management in Connecticut. Take a dip in the pond and learn more about the relationship between wetlands, CT DEEP, the public and the 171 municipal inland wetlands agencies statewide.
The Municipal Inland Wetlands Agency Comprehensive Training Program
This free, online course was custom built to allow Connecticut's municipal inland wetlands agencies and their staff to carry out the regulatory and training requirements of the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act. This program examines key sections of the law, discusses important procedures for conducting agency business, reviews stream crossing guidelines and resource restoration techniques, and more! The training program is not limited to municipal officials, and DEEP encourages participation by interested individuals. See the Training for Wetland Agencies page for additional information and a registration link.
Municipal Regulations
Inland wetlands agencies are to submit proposed and adopted regulations via email. View the Legislation, Regulation & Case Law page for additional information.
Municipal Contact Information
A directoryof municipal inland wetlands agency staff (inland wetlands agents) is provided as a service to the public and is updated periodically. Please consult your town or city website, or contact the town or city clerk, for current information. Inland wetlands agencies and staff - please ensure your contact information is current. Provide updates using the Notification of Change Form.
Content last updated on March 20, 2025