Special Wastes or Asbestos Disposal Authorization

An Environmental Permitting Fact Sheet


Program Overview

This program, administered by the Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, regulates the disposal of "Special Waste" into solid waste disposal areas (landfills), composting operations and resources recovery facilities (RRF). "Special waste" means the following wastes, so long as they are not hazardous waste pursuant to Section 22a-115 of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) or radioactive material subject to CGS Section 22a-148: (1) water treatment, sewage treatment or industrial sludges, liquid, solids and contained gases; fly-ash and casting sands or slag; and contaminated dredge spoils; (2) scrap tires; (3) bulky waste; (4) asbestos; (5) residue; and (6) biomedical waste. In reviewing an application, the Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division (WEED) must consider the waste characteristics and determine if disposal at the designated facility is appropriate.

Authorizing Statutes

Chapters 446d and 446k of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS)


Sections 22a-208a-1, 22a-209-1, and 22a-209-8 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA)

Who Must Apply

Any person, firm or corporation whether public or private, proposing to dispose of a "special waste" or asbestos must apply for a Special Waste Disposal Authorization.

Required Application Documents

Application Form for Special Waste or Asbestos Disposal Authorization (DEP-WEED-APP-200), including supporting documentation such as the Checklist of Chemical Analyses and/or the Generators Knowledge (for disposal of special waste into a landfill or a resources recovery facility); Applicant Compliance Information (DEP-APP-002).


The application fees associated with these permits are as follows:

Special Waste Disposal Authorization:  $660.00
Asbestos Disposal Authorization          $300.00

Note: If the applicant is a homeowner and the special waste originates from his or her primary residence, there is no fee.

Review and Processing

Upon receipt of the application package and the application fee, a preliminary review of the application is conducted for sufficiency and general consistency with applicable standards and criteria. A detailed technical review is then conducted to review the characteristics of the waste to ensure that it is non-hazardous and that it can be disposed of at the designated facility in accordance with the facility's permit conditions.

Unique Processing Features

An application for a request to dispose of a special waste at a RRF is also subject to additional review by DEEP's Bureau of Air Management to assure consistency with the facility's air discharge permit and to assure compliance with the Air Management Regulations.

Average Processing Time

For this permit program, processing time for a typical application, based upon recent experience is less than 45 days. Past performance is not a guarantee of future processing timeframes.  In order to increase the efficiency of application processing, we recommend that you utilize the Department's Pre-Application Guidance process, assure that your application package is properly completed at the time of submittal, and that you promptly reply to any requests for information.
Permit Duration

Authorizations may be issued for either a onetime occurrence or for an extended period of up to one year.

Contact Information

Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division
Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127

This overview is designed to answer general questions and provide basic information. You should refer to the appropriate statutes and regulations for the specific regulatory language of the different permit programs. This document should not be relied upon to determine whether or not an environmental permit is required. It is your responsibility to obtain and comply with all required permits.


Fact Sheet DEEP-WEED-FS-200

Content Last Updated June, 2013


Users Guide to Environmental Permits