Elemental Mercury Purchasing and Distribution Restrictions

Section 22a-621 of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS)

Certification Statement
Effective July 1, 2003, the seller, distributor or provider shall require the purchaser, or recipient at the time of receipt, of any elemental mercury to sign a statement that the purchaser or recipient:

  • will use the mercury only for medical, research or manufacturing purposes;
  • understands that the mercury is toxic and that the purchaser will store, use and otherwise handle exposure to such mercury in accordance with state and federal law; and
  • will dispose of the elemental mercury in accordance with the state and federal law.

Note: For your convenience, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has provided a certification statement form and instructions for your use. You may use other formats for certification statements as long as you meet the requirements of the law.

Completed certification statement forms do not need to be submitted to DEEP, but shall be kept on file with the seller, distributor, or provider of elemental mercury.

Certification statements are not required for the distribution of dental amalgam disposable caps to dental practitioners.

Material Safety Data Sheet
The law requires that the purchaser or recipient of elemental mercury be provided a Material Safety Data Sheet as defined in 42 USC 110349.

Contact Information and Assistance

Related Fact Sheets
Mercury Definitions
Universal Waste Rule

All environmental fact sheets are designed to provide basic information and to answer general questions. You must refer to the appropriate Connecticut General Statutes for the specific definitions and statutory requirements. 

Content Last Updated on December 18, 2006

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