DEEP Regulations

(Sorted by Citation)

Section Title
12-107d-1 through 5 Policies and Standards for Evaluating Land Proposed for Classification as Forest Land
15-9-1 through 5 Boating - Hearing Procedures and Report of Sale of Vessels Removed and Taken Into Custody
(15-121-A-1) Boating Safety - Definitions
(15-121-A2 through A5) -Boating Safety – Regulatory Marker Permits
(15-121-A6) Boating Safety – Marine Event Permits
(15-121-A7 through A8a) Boating Safety – Boating Accidents and Accident Reporting
(15-121-A9 through A10, A13 -A19) Boating Safety – General
(15-121-B1 through B6) Boating Registration and Numbering - General Requirements
(15-121-B12 through B18) Boating Speed and Area Restrictions
(15-121-C1 - Boating) Restricted Zones forTransportation of Hazardous Materials
15-140e-4 Boating Exemption for Operators of Rented Vessels,
15-140f-1 through 15-140f-5 Boating Safety – Safe Boating Certificate
15-140j-1 through 15-140j-3 Boating Safety – Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation
15-140r-1 through 15-140r-10 Boating Safety - Chemical Testing for Boating Under the Influence (BUI)
15-140v-1 (Repealed)
15-144-1 through 11 Boating Registration and Numbering - Fees and Marine Dealers
16-1-1 to 345-9 Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA)
19-24-1 through 19-24-14 Radiation Sources and Radioactive Materials
19-25a-1 through 19-25a-5 X-Ray Devices Used for Diagnosis and Therapy
19-25d-1 through 19-25d-11 X-Ray Devices Used for Diagnosis and Therapy
22a-1-1 through 3-4 Description of Organization
22a-2a-1 through 2 Delegation of Authority for the Abatement of Air and Water Pollution
22a-3a-2 through 6 Rules of Practice
22a-6b-1 through 15 AdministrativeCivil Penalties
22a-30-1 through 22a-30-17 Tidal Wetlands
22a-27l-1 through 22a-27l-3 Administer the Distribution and Expenditure of Funds in the Endangered Species, Natural Area Preserve and Watchable Wildlife Account
22a-39-1 through 22a-39-15 Inland Wetlands and Watercourses
22a-42d-1 Revocation and Reinstatement of Municipal Authority to Regulate Inland Wetlands
22a-49-1 Use of Pesticides (Use of Forms)
22a-50-1 through 9 Pesticide Registration and Classification
22a-54-1, 3 Aerial Pesticides
22a-54-2 Fees for Certification of Pesticide Applicators
22a-56-1 Fee for Examination and Registration of Pesticide Distributors
22a-65-1 Discarding of Pesticides
22a-66-1 through 7 Use of Pesticides
22a-66a-1 through 2 Posting and Notification of Outdoor Pesticide Application
22a-66l-l Application of Pesticides by State Agencies
22a-66z-1 Aquatic Pesticides/Application of Chemicals to State Waters
22a-69-1 to 22a-69-7.4 Noise Control
22a-113b-1 Grants for the Protection of Coves and Embayments
22a-116-1 through 10,
22a-116-B-1 through 10
Hazardous Waste Facilities Siting
22a-122-1 Hazardous Waste Minimum Distance Requirements
22a-133f-1 Superfund Priority Score
22a-133k-1 through 3 Remediation Standard
22a-133q-1 Environmental Land Use Restrictions
22a-133v-1 through 22a-133v-8 LEP
22a-135-1 Reporting of Nuclear Incidents
22a-163f-1 through 10
22a-163t(e)-1 through 3
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Facility Siting
22a-174-1 through 44, 100 and 200 Abatement of Air Pollution
22a-208a-1 Solid Waste Permit Fees
22a-208i(a)-1 Composting of Leaves
22a-209-1 through 16 Solid Waste Facility
22a-209-6 Certification of Operators
22a-209-17 Mercury Containing Lamps
22a-228-1 State Solid Waste Management Plan
22a-231-1 Qualifications of Operators of Resource Recovery Facilities (RRF)
22a-238-1 Qualifications of Operators and Inspectors of Resources Recovery Facilities
22a-241b1 through 4 Mandatory Recycling Regulation
22a-245-1 through 6 Beverage Container Deposit and Redemption
22a-255b-1 through 3 Plastic Bottle Coding
22a-315-10 through 19 Soil and Water Conservation
22a-339d-1 through 4 Grants to Municipalities and Lake Associations to Improve the Water Quality of Recreational Lakes
22a-354b-1 Aquifer Protection Level A Mapping
22a-354i-1 through 10 Aquifer Protection Area Land Use Regulations
Water Diversion
Dams and Similar Structures
22a-416-1 through 10 Certification of Wastewater Treatment Operators
22a-426-1 through 9 Water Quality Standards
22a-430-1 through 2 Delegation of Permitting Authority for Water Pollution Control and Exemption from Public Notice
22a-430-3 through 4 General Conditions Applicable to Water Discharge Permits and Procedures and Criteria for Issuing Water Discharge Permits
22a-430-6 through 8 Application and Annual Fees for Water Pollution Control Permits
22a-430-8 Underground Injection Control
22a-439-1 through 4 Funding Assistance to Connecticut Municipalities and State Agencies for Planning, Design and Construction of Pollution Abatement Facilities
22a-449(c)-11 Hazardous Waste Transporter Permits
22a-449(c)-100 through 119 Hazardous Waste Management
22a-449(d)-1 through 113 Underground Storage Tank
Underground Storage Tanks (revisions)
22a-449e-1 Underground Tank Cleanup Fund
22a-454-1 Permit Fees for Hazardous Waste Materials Management
22a-462-1 through 3 Sewage System Additives and Detergents
22a-471-1 Grants to Municipalities and Water Companies for Potable Water Supplies
22a-472-1 Oil and Gas Exploration
22a-482-1 through 4 Clean Water Fund
Standards for Recycling of Covered Electronic Devices and Annual Registration Renewal Fee for Manufacturers
23-4-1 through 5 Parks and Forests - General
23-4-6 Collection of Fees at Recreational Boating Facilities
23-4-7 through 22 Use and Fee Structure of Certain State Park Facilities
23-4-23 through 35 State Park Rentals
23-5c-1 Management of State Natural Preserves
23-26-1 Fees at Recreational Boating Facilities
23-26-2 through 11 State Park Fees
23-37b-1 Forest Fire Fighting Equipment Fund
23-61a-1 through 8 Tree Protection Examining Board (Arborists)
23-65h-1 Certification of Forest Practitioners
23-65j-1 Conduct of Forest Practitioners
23-101(b)-1 through 11 Greenways Small Grants
25-54cc-1 through 7 Terminals for the Loading or Discharge of Petroleum or Chemical Liquids or Products from Vessels
25-68h-1 through 25-68h-3 Floodplain Management for State Agencies
26-16-1 through 3a Prohibited Activities in Access Areas, Public Use of State Controlled Field Trial, Dog Training and Wildlife Management Areas
26-27b-1 Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp
26-31-1 Instructions in Trapping, Hunting and Archery
26-40d-1 Threatened and Endangered Fish Species
26-42-1 Receipt of Raw Furs by Fur Dealers
26-47-1 Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators
26-48-1 through 11 Private Shooting Preserves
26-48a-1 through a-4 Pheasant Hunting, Turkey Hunting Fees, Migratory Bird Harvest Permit, Trout and Salmon Stamp
26-49-1 through 2 Hunting Dogs
26-51-1 through 2 Field Dog Trials
26-52-1 Permits for Shooting Birds Liberated at Field Dog Trials
26-54-1 Wildlife Pen Specifications
26-55-1 Importation, Transportation or Liberation of Live Fish or Live Fish Eggs;

26-55-3 Possession of Salamanders and Turtles;
26-55-4 Importation and Possession of Deer, Moose, and Elk Carcasses and Parts;
26-55-5 Nuisance Aquatic Invertebrates
26-55-6 Importation, Possession or Liberation of Wild Birds, Mammals,Reptiles, Amphibians and Invertebrates
26-57-1 through 2 Transportation and Disposal of Vehicle Killed Deer
26-59-1through 2 Tanning, Curing or Mounting Wild Birds or Wild Quadrupeds
26-66-1 through 15 Hunting and Trapping, Seasons, Bag Limits and Methods for Taking Amphibians and Reptiles
26-67e-1 through 18 Falconry
26-78-1 Possession and Sale of Game and Furbearing Animals
26-78-2 Conditions on Possession of Bog Turtles
26-86a-1 through 12 Deer Hunting
26-102-1 Fish Spawning Areas and Refuges
26-108-1 Inland Waters and Marine District Defined
26-112-21 through 48 Sport Fishing in the Inland District
26-114-1 Prohibited Acts
26-131-1 Private Waters
26-132-1 Privately Stocked Waters
26-141a-1 through 8 Minimum Stream Flow Standards
26-141b-1 through 8 Stream Flow Standards and Regulations
26-142a-1 through 16 Commercial Fishing in the Inland and Marine Districts
26-149-1 through 3 Commercial Hatcheries
26-157b Reports to the Commissioner
26-157c-1 through 4 Taking of Lobster
26-159a-1 through 28 Commercial and Sport Fishing in the Marine District
26-306-1 through 7 Endangered Species

Other Related Regulations

22a-1a-1 through 22a-1a-12 Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA)
25-32-7a through 14 Certification Water Treatment Plant Operators
25-32d-1a through 25-32d-6 Source Water Protection Measures
25-32e-1 Civil Penalties for Violations of Certain Drinking Water Laws
25-33b-1 through 5 Loans and Grants to Private and Municipal Water Companies
25-33h-1 Connecticut Plans for Public Water Supply Coordination
25-37c-1 through 2 Establishment of Criteria and Performance Standards for Classification of Water Company Lands
25-37d-1 through 9 Water Company Land Permits
25-128-33 through 64 Well Drilling Industry
26-235-1 Exclusive Recreational Clam Harvesting Areas