Open File Bedrock Geology Maps
This map set contains unpublished maps, cross- sections, and related information archived by the
State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut as part of the Survey Library Collection that were submitted as Open File maps. These materials have not been reviewed for accuracy, consistency, or completeness. For many geographic areas, more current information exists, either in published or unpublished form. For the most part, these materials were developed under research and mapping agreements between the State Geological Survey and individual scientists, academic institutions, or graduate students. Some of these materials have been received by the State Geological Survey as donations. The State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, does not promote or endorse this content, nor does the State Survey attest as to its level of accuracy.
State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut as part of the Survey Library Collection that were submitted as Open File maps. These materials have not been reviewed for accuracy, consistency, or completeness. For many geographic areas, more current information exists, either in published or unpublished form. For the most part, these materials were developed under research and mapping agreements between the State Geological Survey and individual scientists, academic institutions, or graduate students. Some of these materials have been received by the State Geological Survey as donations. The State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, does not promote or endorse this content, nor does the State Survey attest as to its level of accuracy.
Original documents are available for inspection by contacting the Connecticut State Geologist.
Listing by US Geological Survey Quadrangle Name:
- Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the South Coventry Quadrangle, Tolland County, Connecticut OF94-584 GIS data
- Coventry Quadrangle - Bedrock Surface Elevation
- Coventry Quadrangle - Depth to Bedrock
- Coventry Quadrangle - Surface Thickness
- Draft Bedrock Geologic Map of the Deep River Quadrangle, New London and Middlesex Counties, Connecticut, CGNHSOF19-1
- Bedrock Geology of the Deep River Area, Connecticut, CGNHSOFR94-816
- Durham Bedrock Geology Map (Mylar)
- Durham Bedrock Geology Map (Paper)
- Preliminary Bedrock Geological Map of the Essex 7.5 minute Quadrangle, Middlesex County, Connecticut, CGNHSOF20-1
- Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the Guilford 7.5 minute Quadrangle, New Haven County, Connecticut, CGNHSOF76-1 GIS data
- Kent - Bedding & Schistosity
- Kent Preliminary Map 1
- Kent Preliminary Map 2
- Kent Preliminary Map 3
- Kent Report
- Kent Mineral Lineation Map
- Kent Minor Fold & Slip Cleavage Map
- Kent Outcrop (topo)
- Kent Outcrop Overlay
- Kent Rock Units
- Kent Rock Units Explanation 1
- Kent Rock Units Explanation 2
- Kent Table of Contents
- Kent Cross-Sections
- Middle Haddam Preliminary Bedrock Map (mylar)
- Middle Haddam Preliminary Bedrock Map (paper)
- Middle Haddam Preliminary Bedrock Text
- Bedrock Geologic Map of The Old Mine Park Area, Trumbull, Connecticut, CGNHSOF19-2, v2.0
- Oxford Bedrock Geology Map w/Explanation
- Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the Rockville Quadrangle, Connecticut, CGNHSOF99-1
- South Coventry Bedrock Outcrop Map
- South Coventry Bedrock Geology w/ Explanations and Cross-Sections
- Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the Stafford Springs Quadrangle, Tolland County, Connecticut, OF75-633 GIS data
- Stafford Springs Bedrock Geology Map w/ Explanation and Cross-Sections
- Stafford Springs Bedrock Map w/ Cross-Sections (Mylar)
- Stafford Springs Bedrock Outcrop Map
- Map Area East of Triassic Border Fault
- Webster Bedrock Geology Map w/Explanation
- West Torrington [part]: Contact metamorphism and intrusive relations of the Hodges Complex along Cameron's Line, West Torrington, Connecticut. CGNHS OFR 77-2 [75M]
Many of these materials have been preserved under a cooperative agreement between the Connecticut Geological Survey and the US Geological Survey as part of the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program.
Content last updated May 10, 2023