Species Regulations

Marine Recreational Fisheries Regulations for 2024

Applicability of Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations

Marine recreational fishing regulations apply “while on the waters of this state or on any parcel of land, structure, or portion of a roadway abutting tidal waters of this state.” Consistent with this regulation, regardless where you caught your fish, (federal waters, another states’ waters) any fish in your possession must meet Connecticut regulations (size, season, possession limits) when you are in Connecticut waters or on the Connecticut shore. Any fish taken contrary to the minimum length, creel limit or open season regulations must, without avoidable injury, be returned immediately to the water from which taken.

Bi-Lingual Marine Fishing Regulations

Enhanced Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations Sign

Marine Recreational Fishing: Regulatory Terms and Additional Restrictions


Striped Bass Image

Striped Bass
Minimum length: No person shall possess any striped bass less than 28 inches or greater than or equal to 31 inches measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail. Any striped bass less than 28 inches or greater than or equal to 31 inches shall, without avoidable injury, be returned immediately to the water from which taken.
Daily creel limit: 1 fish per angler
Open Season: Open Year Round
Inline circle hook required when fishing with bait (does not apply to artificial lures). 


Summer Flounder Image

Summer Flounder (Fluke) -- Regulation Changes for 2024 in bold
Open Season: May 4 - August 1; 19 inch minimum length
Open Season: August 2 - October 1519.5 inch minimum length  
Daily creel limit: 3 fish per angler
Enhanced Opportunity Shore Fishing Sites the Minimum Length is 17 inches


Tautog (Blackfish) image

Tautog (Blackfish)
Minimum length: 16 inches
Open Season: April 1 - April 30, 2 fish per angler
Open Season: July 1 - August 31, 2 fish per angler
Open Season: October 10 - November 28, 3 fish per angler


Scup (Porgy) Image

Scup (Porgy) -- Regulation Changes for 2024 in bold
Minimum length: 11 inches for boat anglers / 9.5 inches for shore anglers (including Enhanced Opportunity Fishing Sites)
Daily creel limit: 30 fish per angler
Open Season: May 1 - December 31

Party/Charter Vessel Bonus Season:
For paying passengers only: 30 fish per angler from May 1 - August 31 and November 1 - December 31; 40 fish per angler from September 1 - October 31


Bluefish Image

Minimum length: None
Daily creel limit: 3 fish per angler (including "snappers")
Open Season: Open Year Round
Party/Charter Vessel: for paying passengers only - daily creel limit, 5 fish per angler


Black Sea Bass Image

Black Sea Bass -- Regulation Changes for 2024 in bold
Minimum length:16 inches**
Daily creel limit: 5 fish per angler
Open Season: May 18 - June 23; July 8 - November 28; season closed June 24 - July 7
**Excluding tail fin filament (tendril)

Party/Charter Vessels:
Open Season: May 18 - December 31
Bag Limit (for paying passengers only): 5 fish per angler from May 18 - August 31; 7 fish per angler from September 1 - December 31.
Daily logbook reporting required by Party/Charter Vessel operator for trips taking Black Sea Bass


Weakfish Image

Weakfish (Sea Trout) 
Minimum length: 16 inches
Daily creel limit: 1 fish per angler
Open Season: Open Year Round


Winter Flounder Image

Winter Flounder Minimum length: 12 inches
Daily creel limit: 2 fish per angler
Open Season: Open April 1 - December 31


Hickory Shad Image

Hickory Shad
Minimum length: None
Daily creel limit: 6 fish per angler (American and Hickory Shad in aggregate)
Open Season: Open Year Round


American Shad image

American Shad***
Minimum length: None
Daily creel limit: 6 fish per angler (American and Hickory Shad in aggregate)
 Open Season:  Open Year Round
***American Shad: all state waters closed, except the Connecticut River System


Alewife fish image     Blueback Herring fish image

River Herring: Alewife / Blueback Herring
The taking of anadromous alewife and blueback herring is prohibited from all Connecticut waters, including Long Island Sound.


White Perch Image

White Perch
Minimum length: 7 inches
Daily creel limit: 30 fish per angler 
Open Season: Open Year Round


American eel

American Eel
Minimum length: 9 inches
Daily creel limit: 25 fish per angler
Open Season: Open Year Round


Menhaden (Bunker) fish image

Atlantic Menhaden (Bunker)
Minimum length: None
Daily creel limit: 50 fish per angler or 5 gallons (whichever is the greater amount)
Open Season: Open Year Round


Atlantic cod

Atlantic Cod: Updated federal regulations



Haddock: Updated federal regulations



Pollock: Updated federal regulations


Blue Crab Image

Blue Crab No License Required
Minimum shell width (spike tip to spike tip)
  5 inches - Hard shell
  3 1/2 inches - Soft shell
Daily creel limit: None
Open Season: May 1 - November 30
Prohibition on egg-bearing females


Jonah crab 

Jonah Crab No License Required
Daily creel limit: 50 Crabs per Day
Prohibition on egg-bearing females


Squid Illustration

Squid No License Required


Smooth Dogfish Image    Spiny Dogfish Image

Smooth and Spiny Dogfish
Minimum length: None
Daily creel limit: None
Open Season: Open Year


Sandbar Shark Image

Coastal Shark Species

An Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit is required to take, possess, or land any shark species, other than smooth or spiny dogfish, in this state in either the sport or commercial fisheries. To obtain an HMS permit, visit: http://www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/aps/permits/ or call NMFS Customer Service Center at 1-888-872-8862.


Red Drum Image

Red Drum (Redfish)
Maximum length: 27 inches
Daily creel limit: 1 fish per angler
Open Season: Open Year Round


Tunas, billfish, and swordfish are managed by NOAA's Highly Migratory Species Office. Please consult NOAA Fisheries for permitting requirements and regulations.


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Please contact the Fisheries Division with any questions.

Phone: 860-434-6043; E-mail: deep.marine.fisheries@ct.gov

Content last updated in May 2024.