Coastal Land Use Planning

Image of Pequot Ave beach
Coastal Management Manual

Developed as a tool for coastal land
use agents, boards and commissions, 
as well as developers, consultants and
individuals, to use in understanding how
to apply the standards and policies of 
Connecticut's Coastal Management Act.

Avery Farm bog
Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation

Connecticut's Coastal and Estuarine Land
Conservation Plan (CELCP) describes and
prioritizes the State's coastal land acquisition
opportunities and provides guidance for
selecting land acquisition projects to compete
for federal CELCP grant financing.

SFECS image
Guidance on P.A. 12-101

Public Act 12-101, An Act Concerning the
Coastal Management Act and Shoreline Flood
and Erosion Control Structures
, included  
initiatives to address sea level rise, revise 
the regulatory limit for activities in coastal, tidal 
and, navigable waters, and revise regulatory 
policies concerning shoreline protection.

coastal planting image
Coastal Landscaping Guide

The University of Connecticut Coastal
Landscaping Guide for Long Island 
provides a resource for coastal 
property owners to learn about the 
benefits of incorporating riparian buffers.

Long Beach dune image

Connecticut Beaches and Dunes

The Connecticut Beaches and Dunes:
A Hazard Guide for Coastal Property Owners

website helps coastal property owners to
evaluate threats and identify actions to protect
coastal property and the natural environment.

Connecticut River aerial image
The Gateway Commission's Mission

Protecting the Character of the Lower Connecticut
River – The Gateway Commission's Mission

presents a discussion of the Commission’s
adopted zoning standards,which govern
development in the Gateway Conservation 
District of the Lower Connecticut River.

The Gateway Commission, enabled by state
statute in 1973, grew out of an effort to “protect  
the scenic, historic and environmental resources
of the lower river”. The Gateway Commission  
accomplishes this goal through land protection  
and the creation of zoning standards to be  
adopted and enforced by the eight participating
towns in the Gateway Zone.

Content Last Updated January 30, 2020