Reducing the Number of Pending Legacy Permit Applications


DEEP has been successful in implementing permit and enforcement process improvements to reduce the backlog of legacy applications. Those that remain have some level of technical complexity, public notification requirements, or potential environmental risk and need statutory or regulatory revisions or require long-term, complicated solutions for resolution.

Many of the remaining pending legacy permits are requests for permit renewal. For permit renewals, if a request has been submitted prior to the permit expiration date, the applicant's business can continue under the previous permit until such time that the permit can be renewed.

Moving forward, DEEP will continue to balance processing outstanding legacy applications with meeting the established timeframes of incoming applications.

Number of pending legacy permit applications

Number of Applications
Baseline Pre-2017By End of 2020By End of 2021as of 11/09/22050100150200250300350
A All permit categories
Baseline Pre-2017 331
By End of 2020 187
By End of 2021 162
as of 11/09/22 140

Following our 20 BY 20 focused efforts on legacy permit reduction, DEEP has reduced legacy permit applications by 68% since 2017.

Permit applications include: Air; Waste and Materials Management, including Marine Terminals; Water Discharges; and Water and Land Use, including Aquifer Protection, Coastal Activities, Dam Safety, Flood Management, Inland Wetlands and Watercourses, Remediation, and Water Diversion.