The Things We Do For You

Office of the Commissioner

Office of the Commissioner (860) 424-3001

Deputy Commissioner of Air, Waste & Water (860) 424-3009

  • Coordinates programs and activities within and between the Bureau of Air Management, the Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, and the Bureau of Water Protection and Land Reuse

Office of Adjudications (860) 424-3037

  • Conducts public hearings and ancillary proceedings on permit applications and enforcement actions in all matters under the commissioner's jurisdiction; and
  • Promotes negotiated settlement of disputed issues; and prepares fact finding, legal conclusions and recommendations for final decision by the commissioner.

Office of Legal Counsel (860) 424-3048

  • Assists in the drafting and reviewing of proposed legislation, regulations and departmental policies;
  • Advises staff on the interpretation of laws, regulations and departmental policies;
  • Assists in the drafting, negotiating and reviewing of contracts and agreements;
  • Manages Freedom of Information requests;
  • Advises staff on matters relating to ethics laws and policies;
  • Assists staff in the drafting, reviewing and interpreting of permits;
  • Assists staff in preparing for adjudicative proceedings; and
  • Acts as a liaison to the Office of the Attorney General on a variety of legal matters.
  • Advances the principles and practice of equal opportunity in employment, services and contract administration

Office of the Chief of Staff (860) 424-3001

Includes the Office of Communications and Publications and the Office of Government Affairs

Communications (860) 424-4100:

  • Provides for the internal and external coordination and dissemination of information concerning environmental protection and natural resource management policies, programs and regulatory actions;
  • Directs and coordinates media relations;
  • Encourages active public participation in environmental programs; and
  • Produces and coordinates production of assorted publications and marketing materials.
  • Oversees the agency’s web site – from the development of content to the overall maintenance
Legislative Affairs (860) 424-3001:
  • Provides a central source of information on environmental legislation and regulations; and
    • Prepares, submits and monitors legislative proposals and regulations concerning environmental matters.

Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy (860) 827-2834

The Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy (BETP) is responsible for development of an integrated and comprehensive state-wide energy policy and development of plans, programs, strategies and initiatives designed to promote a cleaner, cheaper, more reliable energy future for Connecticut.
Office of Climate Change and Innovation
  • Responsible for the development, implementation and oversight of state-wide policies and programs to further Connecticut’s climate change goals and to promote innovative renewable energy, and energy efficiency technologies.
  • Develops policies, programs and strategies to meet legislative requirements pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes section 22a-200a-200b  Global Warming Solutions;
  • Provides oversight and program direction for Connecticut’s Regional Greenhouse gas Initiative (RGGI); 
  • Develops policies, programs and strategies to advance and deploy clean transportation solutions such as electric vehicles, compressed natural gas vehicles, advanced biofuels and fuel cell vehicles and other emerging transportation technologies;
  • Conducts energy research and collects data and information to support policy development, programs and initiatives.
Office of Energy Demand (OED)
  • Assists low-income Connecticut families, through the U.S. Department of Energy sponsored Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), with weatherization services, such as retrofits and home improvement measures, that enhance energy efficiency and reduce energy costs;
  • Facilitates the Lead by Example program that improves the energy management and reduces costs and use of state buildings and facilities through accurate energy benchmarking and cost effective energy conservation projects (pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes section 16a-37u);
  • Reviews and implements Connecticut’s Conservation and Load Management Plan (pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes section 16-245m), a joint state and utility plan that advances Connecticut’s commitment to cost-effective energy efficiency investment and demand management;
  • Coordinates the development and adoption of statewide and regional energy efficiency policies through updating product efficiency standards, energy efficient building codes, and planning documents.
Office of Energy Supply (OES)
  • Responsible for the development, implementation and oversight of state-wide policies that impact the production and/or delivery of energy products to consumers.
  • Develops policy guidance for the Commissioner, Governor and Legislature;
  • Participates in local/regional/national forums regarding the supplies of energy resources and the infrastructure necessary to bring those energy resources to the region and State;
  • Oversees state-wide infrastructure and supply investments and programs;
  • Sets policy goals and objectives, establishes metrics and oversees state-wide data collection and analysis efforts regarding the supplies of energy resources, and provides periodic progress reports regarding achievement of established program goals.

Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (860) 827-1553

  • Oversees public utilities operating in Connecticut to ensure safe, reliable utility infrastructure and service at fair and reasonable rates while maintaining the economic viability of regulated companies.
Gas Pipeline Safety Unit
  • Has full safety jurisdiction over intrastate gas pipeline facilities in Connecticut, including the design, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, integrity management, and decommissioning of gas pipeline facilities and the qualification of personnel that operate those facilities.
  • Responsible for enforcement of the state’s underground damage prevention program, Call Before You Dig (CBYD).

Bureau of Natural Resources (860) 424-3010

The Bureau of Natural Resources applies fish, wildlife and forest management principles and conducts scientific investigations and assessments to protect these resources and their habitats and to ensure their wise and sustainable use.

Fisheries Division (860) 424-3474

  • Manages fishery resources to provide sustainable populations and public benefit commensurate with habitat capability and relevant ecological, social and economic considerations;
  • Manages fisheries for diadromous species consistent with interjurisdictional management plans;
  • Manages and enhances inland and diadromous fish populations and fisheries;
  • Operates three fish culture facilities;
  • Stocks trout, salmon, walleye and northern pike;
  • Protects and conserves aquatic habitat and associated riparian zones by reviewing and commenting on permit applications for development, water diversion and habitat alteration;
  • Conducts public awareness and educational programs to promote an understanding and appreciation for fishing, aquatic resources and aquatic habitat.
Marine Fisheries Program (860) 434-6043
  • Manages marine fish and crustacean resources to provide optimum sustained benefit to user groups while assuring the diversity, abundance and conservation of populations commensurate with habitat capability and relevant ecological, social and economic considerations;
  • Conducts monitoring and research programs;
  • Develops fishery management plans and regulations consistent with coast-wide management plans;
  • Protects and conserves marine living resources and habitat by commenting on permit applications for development and habitat alteration: and
  • Conducts public awareness and outreach activities to promote an understanding of fishery management programs and marine aquatic resources.

Wildlife Division (860) 424-3011

  • Manages the wildlife resources of the state to provide stable, healthy populations of diverse wildlife species, including endangered and threatened species, in numbers compatible with both habitat carrying capacity and existing land use practices;
  • Coordinates the research and management of wildlife with other state and federal agencies;
  • Assists municipalities in assessing and addressing problems caused by wildlife;
  • Works with municipalities and other state agencies in assessing and mitigating the impact of land-use on threatened and endangered species;
  • Conducts public awareness and technical assistance programs to enhance privately-owned habitat and promote an appreciation for and understanding of the value and use of wildlife;
  • Assists the public with wildlife-related problems;
  • Manages wildlife habitat on state forests and wildlife management areas;
  • Regulates hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits for all harvestable wildlife species within Connecticut;
  • Manages public hunting opportunities on state-owned, state-leased and permit-required areas;
  • Conducts conservation education and safety programs to promote safe and ethical hunting practices; and
  • Monitors and manages the state's mosquito population levels to reduce the potential public health threat of mosquito-borne diseases such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile Virus (WNV) in cooperation with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station and the Department of Public Health. By restoring previously ditched and degraded tidal wetlands, the division regulates water levels to promote return of native vegetation and create enhanced wildlife habitat, while controlling mosquito populations.

Forestry Division (860) 424-3630

  • Manages state-owned forest lands for long term health and vigor, as well as multiple uses;
  • Provides technical assistance to forest land owners for wood production, recreation, watershed management, wildlife habitat and aesthetics;
  • Conducts an urban tree planting and management program; and
  • Conducts a forest fire prevention control program, including training for municipal fire departments, provision of specialized fire equipment, administration of federal funds to rural fire departments, and participation in the Northeast Forest Fire Protection Commission.

Office of Planning, Coordination, and Fiscal Management (860) 424-3010

  • Coordinates long-range planning for the management of Connecticut's fish, wildlife, forest and related land and water resources and coordinates the efficient and effective use of bureau fiscal and human resources.

Bureau of Outdoor Recreation (860) 424-3014

Provides for the conservation and management of statewide recreation lands through the acquisition of open space and the management of resources to meet the outdoor recreation needs of the public.

State Parks and Public Outreach Division (860) 424-3200

  • Administers the planning, development, operations and maintenance of the lands and facilities within the state park system;
  • Provides for water-based recreation within the state inland waters and beaches;
  • Manages a system of campgrounds based on natural resource sites;
  • Establishes and manages a statewide recreational trail system;
  • Manages and operates historic and cultural sites;
  • Provides for special events and tourism enhancement;
  • Provides educational resources and training activities;
  • Offers educational programs and activities related to the history and natural resources available in the parks;
  • Provides training on land use decision making for municipal officials;
  • Coordinates education programs in state parks and forests; and
  • Operates and maintains boat launch access areas.

Environmental Conservation Police Division (860) 424-3012

  • Enforces fish and wildlife, shellfish, boating, park and forest laws and regulations, as well as criminal and motor vehicle laws in parks and forests.

Boating Division (860) 434-8638

  • Administers the legislatively mandated Boater Certification and Boating Safety Education Programs;
  • Provides oversight for the construction, operation and maintenance of the state's 121 boat launches;
  • Administers the marine event permit, marine dealer vessel numbering, hull identification numbers and boating accident reporting programs;
  • Issues permits for markers to aid in the regulation of waterway traffic;
  • Provides technical assistance to improve navigation safety;
  • Provides environmental education to boaters regarding boat sewage and best management practices for operation and maintenance of recreational vessels; and
  • Administers the Boating Infrastructure Grant and the education component of the Clean Vessel Act Programs.

Bureau of Water Protection and Land Reuse (860) 424-3704

Works to restore and protect the environment and the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of Connecticut by managing the state’s water resources.

Land and Waters Resources Division (860) 424-3019

  • Regulates activities in the state’s inland wetlands and watercourses, aquifer protection areas and floodplains;
  • Oversees the state’s inland wetlands, aquifer protection areas and floodplain statutes;
    • Assists municipalities with inland wetlands regulation, aquifer protection area regulation, flood hazard mitigation planning, and coastal management;
  • Manages the allocation and quality of water resources through non-consumptive water diversion and 401 water quality certification permitting; 
  • Coordinates departmental policy and programs affecting Long Island Sound and related coastal lands and waters;
  • Undertakes long-range planning for Long Island Sound, including the Blue Plan;
  • Implements, oversees and enforces the state's coastal management program, the state Harbor Management Act and State Harbormasters program;
  • Coordinates the coastal habitat restoration program;
  • Implements the DEEP coastal permit authorities covering tidal wetlands, coastal structures, dredging and coastal water quality;
  • Implements the federal consistency program to review federal activities which may affect the state’s coastal resources;
  • Investigates, initiates and coordinates enforcement actions on violations of inland and coastal regulatory programs;
  • Serves as designee on the Connecticut River Gateway Commission, the Northeast Regional Ocean Council and the Coastal States Organization;
  • Administers various funds for research, cleanup, education, public access, seafloor mapping and habitat restoration; and
  • Administers and coordinates the Long Island Sound Study assistance grant.

Remediation Division (860) 424-3705

  • Oversees the assessment and cleanup of contaminated sites under:
    • the Property Transfer Program
    • Voluntary Remediation Programs
    • Brownfield Program
    • RCRA Corrective Action Program
    • State Superfund
    • Federal Superfund
  • Responds to contamination that may pose immediate threats to humans or aquatic life through the Significant Environmental Hazard Program.
  • Administers the Licensed Environmental Professionals’ Program, involving the licensing, renewal, and continuing education of Connecticut’s environmental professionals.
  • Provides oversight of Verifications signed and sealed by Licensed Environmental Professionals that contaminant releases have been remediated in accordance with Connecticut’s Remediation Standard Regulations.
  • Assists individuals whose private or public drinking water supply wells may be at risk of becoming contaminated or have become contaminated as a result of human activity.
  • Disseminates information about various remediation topics through the Remediation Roundtable.

Water Planning and Management Division (860) 424-3704 and (860) 424-3020

Works to restore and protect water resources through water quality and quantity planning and infrastructure management.

Site Operations Program (860) 424-3704

  • Manages post-closure care at closed CRRA landfills and orphaned sites;
  • Operates remedial systems, permit compliance, site improvements, property management; and
  • Samples Potable Water supply wells.

Dam Safety Program (860) 424-3706

  • Regulates dams, dikes and other impounding structures;
  • Maintains list of registered dams and requires dam owners to periodically inspect and report on the condition of the structures, and prepare Emergency Action Plans;
  • Permits dam repairs and construction;
  • Undertakes enforcement for necessary inspections, dam repairs and unsafe conditions as required;
  • Conducts public outreach to municipalities and dam owners regarding importance of dam safety;
  • Operates, maintains and repairs  state owned dams and flood control facilities; and
  • Monitors and responds to flood events.

Municipal Wastewater Program (860) 424-3704

  • Regulates municipal wastewater treatment plant discharges through permitting, inspections and enforcement;
  • Assists municipalities with planning and upgrading of municipal wastewater infrastructure;
  • Certifies wastewater treatment plant operators; and
  • Administers Clean Water Fund.

Watersheds Program (860) 424-3020

  • Administers Non-Point Source (NPS) Grant Program;
  • Manages NPS planning and implementation projects;
  • Oversees development of watershed management plans;
  • Conducts outreach to municipalities, conservation organizations and general public;
  • Facilitates watershed management efforts; and
  • Administers Long Island Sound water quality management.
Water Quality Program (860) 424-3020
  • Administers surface water quality standards and classifications;
  • Establishes action plans to restore and protect water quality;
  • Develops risk based environmental criteria; and
  • Provides technical support for bureau-wide permit and enforcement actions.
Monitoring Program (860) 424-3020
  • Monitors inland and marine water quality, including chemical, physical and biological assessment;
  • Monitors water quality at state beaches;
  • Monitors stream flow (water quantity);
  • Monitors and assesses Long Island Sound water quality; and
  • Provides science based data collection and analysis for water quality initiatives.
Water Quantity Program (860) 424-3020
  • Manages stream flow regulatory program for surface water releases;
  • Administers groundwater quality standards and classifications;
  • Permits consumptive diversions;
  • Coordinates water supply planning; and
  • Coordinates drought response.

Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assistance (860) 424-3021

Administers a wide variety of regulatory programs including: overseeing the proper management of solid waste, recyclable materials, PCB’s and hazardous waste; regulating the generation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste; developing capacity and expertise to respond to spill and contamination incidents with emphasis on large-scale emergency situations; encouraging pollution prevention and recycling; and regulating the use of pesticides while minimizing human and non target species exposure.

Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division (860) 424-3023

  • Protects human health and the environment by ensuring environmentally sound waste management practices and encouraging resource conservation;
  • Regulates, inspects, monitors and initiates enforcement actions as necessary;
  • Issues permits to solid and hazardous waste handlers and processes closures for solid and hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities;
  • Promotes an integrated and safe system of pesticide use which minimizes human and non-target species exposure to pesticides by regulating the manufacture, sale and application of pesticides;
  • Regulates the use and disposal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) to safeguard public health and the environment from risks associated with this chemical; and
  • Provides technical assistance and outreach.

Permitting and Enforcement (Water) (860) 424-3025

  • Enforces the state's water pollution control laws;
  • Regulates storm-water discharges from industrial, commercial and construction activities;
  • Regulates industrial discharges into surface waters and sewage treatment plants;
  • Issues permits to discharge groundwater from large subsurface disposal systems, agricultural waste systems and animal feeding operations;
  • Conducts inspections and institutes enforcement actions as necessary; and
  • Monitors compliance with discharge limits.

Emergency Response and Spill Prevention (860) 424-3024

  • Protects the public and the environment from emergencies resulting from the discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration from substances, materials or wastes;
  • Develops and coordinates oil spill contingency plans for emergency situations;
  • Provides assistance to the State Emergency Response Commission;
  • Maintains 24 hours statewide emergency response and assessment capability;
  • Coordinates and supervises clean-up mitigation activities;
  • Contracts and funds, where necessary, the emergency clean-up of hazardous chemicals and petroleum spills and leaks; and
  • Regulates and inspects underground non-residential petroleum tanks and licenses marine terminals.

Bureau of Air Management (860) 424-4152

The Bureau of Air Management maintains the most comprehensive monitoring network in New England for measuring air quality. The bureau regulates the use, transportation and storage of radioactive materials and monitors for radioactive accumulations from nuclear power plants; develops and implements regulations, policies, procedures and standards for carrying out Connecticut’s air and radiation control laws and regulations; issues air pollution control permits and enforces laws or regulations when they are violated.

Air Planning and Standards Division (860) 424-4152

  • Develops climate change and air quality policy and implements such policy through the development of legislative and regulatory proposals;
  • Sets standards for air pollution emissions and ambient air quality;
  • Develops strategies to further protect public health and improve air quality; and
  • Monitors federal regulatory activity and responds with appropriate state action

Air Engineering and Technical Services Division (860) 424-4152

  • Implements state and federal air pollution control laws and regulations by issuing permits, performing engineering evaluations, developing stationary source control strategies and promoting pollution prevention opportunities.

Air Compliance and Field Operations Division (860) 424-4152

  • Investigates complaints;
  • Inspects sources of air pollution and promotes pollution prevention;
  • Audits and reviews source monitoring reports and tests to determine compliance;
  • Maintains and operates the comprehensive Connecticut Ambient Air Quality network; analyzes compliance; and
  • Takes enforcement action to bring sources into compliance and deter non-compliance.

Radiation Division (860) 424-3029

  • Sets standards for the safe operation of equipment that produces radiation and for the possession, use, storage, transportation and disposal of radioactive material;
  • Inspects facilities using radioactive material, x-ray machines and other radiation producing devices; and
  • Responds to reports of accidents and incidents involving radioactive materials.

Bureau of Central Services (860) 424-3100

Office of Planning and Program Development (860) 424-3003

The Office is broken down into functional areas responsible for department wide planning, policy and program development and program implementation.

  • Landscape Stewardship
  • Conducts agency-wide strategic priority development, coordination, and performance measurement.
Compliance Assurance
  • Permit Assistance section provides a central source of information for business, industry and the public regarding department permits, approvals or other authorizations for regulated activities or the permitting process in general;
  • Pollution Prevention section oversees the department’s pollution prevention, source reduction and recycling programs; 
  • Environmental Review section coordinates agency review of proposed state projects to ensure consistency with agency programs, policies and resource management objectives;
  • Small Business Assistance Program provides coordination and fosters compliance assistance efforts across all environmental quality bureaus and offices;
  • Enforcement, Policy and Coordination section fosters consistency and coordination in enforcement practice across the department’s enforcement programs, develops and trains staff in enforcement policy, assures consistency in policy application, provides enforcement-related materials to the public, and serves as a liaison to the United States Environmental Protection Agency on matters relating to enforcement programs
Constituent Affairs and Land Management (860) 424-3016:
Land Management
  • Reviews, appraises and develops proposals for acquisition or exchange for real property acquired by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection;
  • Develops easements or leases for use of DEEP land;
  • Surveys existing and new state land boundaries and investigates boundary disputes; and
  • Coordinates state and federal funding programs for municipal outdoor recreation, open space acquisition and development and manages property documents for department owned and managed lands.
Indian Affairs (860) 424-3066:
  • Advises the agency on Indian affairs, tribal issues, reservations and tribal leadership
  • Acts as a liaison between the agency and tribal governments
Environmental Justice (860) 424-3002:
  • Works to ensure that no segment of the population bears a disproportionate share of the risks and consequences of environmental pollution or is denied equal access to environmental benefits.
DEEP Store (860) 424-3555
  • Provides information to the public on environmental matters and natural resource topics.
Financial Management Division (860) 424-3190
  • Manages the department’s budget, grants, accounts payable and accounts receivable;
  • Oversees the licensing and permit fee collection programs;
  • Coordinates management analysis;
  • Administers the Clean Water Fund, the Emergency Response Cost Recovery Program, and the Underground Tank Reimbursement Fund; and
  • Coordinates of business office operations for the bureaus.
  • Manages procurement, receiving, warehouse operations, mail and parcel delivery and asset management.

Engineering and Field Support Division (860) 424-3131

  • Manages the saw mill, the sign shop, fleet operations, and a 24/7 emergency dispatch center;
  • Operates three district field offices and facility support at headquarters building;
  • Oversee the management, maintenance and repair of vehicles and equipment;
  • Conducts engineering design, review and technical assistance services on construction and maintenance projects;
  • Manages maintenance, repair, replacement and new construction of infrastructure (buildings, roads, bridges, boating access areas, etc.);
  • Assists with maintenance of flood control and recreational dams;
  • Assists with restoring degraded wetlands;
  • Manages projects associated with ADA (Americans with Disability Act) compliance design and construction; and

Human Resources Division (860) 424-3006

  • Manages the personnel and payroll needs of the department’s employees.
  • Human resources management functions include recruitment, selection, employee counseling, benefits, retention, performance management, FMLA administration, labor relations, workforce and  organizational planning, classification and compensation, payroll and staff development and training.
  • Coordinates the agency's health and safety and related programs (OSHA, underground fuel tanks, drinking water testing, etc.).

Office of Information Management (860) 424-3540

  • Oversees the agency’s information technology planning, coordination and management and inventories, monitors and researches the state’s land surface, earth materials, water resources, biota and climate.
  • Promotes, conducts and coordinates the scientific study of natural resources;
  • Provides technical assistance and management strategies for environmental and land use decision makers;
  • Develops technical materials;