Real Estate Broker - Continuing Education

Hours Required
12 credit hours per two-year cycle, including:
  1. One three-hour mandatory course approved by the Commission concerning current real estate and fair housing legislation, licensing laws and regulations (NOTE: Any course that is noted as meeting the mandatory requirement for that year will fulfill the requirement.); and
  2. Nine hours of real estate elective courses.
  3. No Continuing Education is due at the end of the first CE cycle after being licensed for those taking a CT licensing exam; however, those receiving a reciprocal license must complete CE for the first CE cycle.

Alternatively, licensees may opt to pass the 40-question Connecticut CE Examination during the CE cycle. Contact PSI Examination Services (the testing company) directly: 1-855-746-8171 or go to . NOTE: When calling PSI to schedule, be sure to specify that you want the "40 Question" exam in order to renew your CT license.


Timeline for Completion
All continuing education (CE) hours must be completed between September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2026Note: This CE completion deadline is 3 months before the renewal deadlineCourses taken late may not be applied to the current cycle. No course may be counted more than once toward CE.

Proof of Completion
All credential holders must attest to the completion of their required continuing education (CE) as part of the renewal process. Certificates of completion and other related records should be retained by the credential holder for at least four (4) years in case of audit by the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP).

DCP does offer an optional method to upload certificates to your elicense account for your own records.


Course Requirements
Courses each cycle must include:

  1. One three-hour mandatory course approved by the Commission concerning current real estate and fair housing legislation, licensing laws and regulations; and
  2. Nine hours of real estate elective courses.


Courses Available

For a list of approved Real Estate Salesperson and Broker Continuing Education Courses, click here.  

(NOTE: Any course that has the year noted in the "Mandatory" column will fulfill the year's mandatory requirement.)


Real Estate Schools: Instructions for submitting courses for approval


Equivalency Review
Any other continuing educational courses taken by the licensee shall be considered by the commission on an individual basis. Evidence of such courses must be submitted at least 30 days before the next 
Commission Meeting, which must be
 90 days prior to the end of each two (2) year continuing education period. Equivalency credit will only be granted toward the elective credit requirements, licensees are still responsible for completing the 3 hour mandatory course. 

Requirements for Submissions:

  • Course completion certificates
  • Supporting documents that substantiate course content. Examples; detailed syllabi/curriculums, teaching materials, course outlines, etc. 
  • Courses must be no less than 3 credit hours
  • State specific courses are not accepted

Licensees can submit an equivalency review request here

Failure to Complete

If a real estate licensee fails to complete their CE for any two-year license period, they must pay:

  • $315 if CE is completed within 2 months after the CE completion deadline (September 1st - October 31st)
  • $625 if CE is completed within 2 to 4 months after the CE completion deadline (November 1st - December 31st).

Failure to complete the required continuing education requirements may subject the licensee to civil fines and the revocation or suspension of their license.


A real estate broker who is unable to comply with the requirements of this section due to extenuating circumstances may apply for a waiver or an extension of time to fulfill such requirements.

Requests for exceptions shall be submitted in writing not less than 60 days prior to the date of license renewal and shall include an explanation and verification of the hardship. Exceptions may include but not be limited to:

  • individuals serving in military service; and
  • individuals who are physically handicapped which handicap prohibits them from sitting for an exam or attending courses.

Loss of income resulting from cancellation of a license is not a bona fide hardship.

Complete a Waiver Request

For questions, please email

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Why is the continuing education (CE) completion deadline earlier than the renewal deadline?

A. As the renewal period begins well before the expiration date, the 3-month offset ensures that all required CE is completed before the renewal period begins.

Q. Is a referral agent required to take CE?

A. Yes, all license holders must complete CE. Choosing to only utilize your license for referrals does NOT exempt you from Connecticut CE requirements.

Q. I have a license in another state and did CE there. Am I exempt from the Connecticut CE requirement?

A. No, Connecticut DOES NOT EXEMPT ANYONE from completion of Connecticut specific continuing education.

Q. Can I use any CE taken in another state towards the Connecticut CE elective courses?

A. Yes, as a licensee in another state, you may submit out of state courses to the Commission for consideration toward equivalency credit for the elective portion ONLY. See the Equivalency Review section above. 

Q. Can I use any CE taken in another state towards the Connecticut CE mandatory courses?

A. No, there is no equivalency credit toward the Connecticut mandatory CE courses.

