HART Photos


What to do...

If you are not safe, call or Text 911
If you need assistance, call the National Trafficking Hotline 1-888-373-7888 (or text233733)
If you are aware of a child who is being victimized, call the Careline 1-800-842-2288 

HART PHOTOS    AWARDS Red X Day  Videos Wear Blue 2021 Winner



2021 HART Wear Blue Award Recipient, DCF Waterbury Office

Wear Blue 2021 Photos

January's Human Trafficking Awareness Month Wear Blue Photo Challenge
We had awesome submissions from partners across the state.  The competition was close but one photo received the most votes. 
The winner is….the DCF Middletown Area Office:

Wear Blue-Winner


2021 HART Shining Star Award Recipient, Christa Rider, HART Lead Region 1



2021 Red X Day Photos

Red X Day - February 25, 2021 Flyer


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Congratulations to the DCF Norwalk Office….awesome picture, clearly gets the point across!!! 

Check out all of the HART "Wear Blue" January 2020 Photos: HART Wear Blue Photos January 2020







Quinnipiac's Human Trafficking Prevention Project will be expanding its efforts into schools and parent groups by partnering with the Department of Children and Families Human Anti-Trafficking Response Team (HART). DCF will be hosting a training of trainers, to instruct both students and lawyers on how to teach human trafficking awareness to teachers and parents.

QTOT4 qtot1 Qtot2 QTOT3


CONGRATULATIONS! to Valerie Miles and Emily Morse, the latest HART Shining Star Awards recipients. On Friday, September 27, 2019,Valerie Miles and Emily Morse received the HART Shining Star Awards. Both recipients have gone above and beyond in their perspective areas.

ShiningStarAward1 ShiningStarAward3



Read the U.S. Department of Justice Press Release

Tammy Sneed


Ms. Sneed received the prestigious "United States Attorney's Outstanding Partnership Award." Ms. Sneed has been essential in coordinating services for sex trafficking victims and assisting with local, sate, and federalinvestigations involving the sex trafficking of children. Ms. Sneed and the Human Anti-Trafficking Response Team (HART) members work with law enforcement to coordinate victim interviews, victim housing placement and other victim services. Ms. Sneed is also involved in organizing human trafficking training sessions for police officers, hospitals, educators and other groups, and involves law enforcement in these training sessions. Ms. Sneed consistently goes above and beyond in assisting investigators and prosecutors, and has been integral to many human trafficking cases that have been prosecuted over the years.



Blue Campaign Logo (#WearBlueDay)

Wear BluePhoto Challenge: 2019, 2018, 2017

BCVideoThe Blue Campaign is the unified voice for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) efforts to combat human trafficking. Working in collaboration with law enforcement, government, non-governmental and private organizations, the Blue Campaign strives to protect the basic right of freedom and to bring those who exploit human lives to justice.







Congratulations to HART (4/24/19)            

Tammy SneedConnecticut’s Human Antitrafficking Response Team (HART) receives recognition from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF)for their efforts to combat child trafficking in Connecticut.








On Friday, September 27, 2019,Valerie Miles and Emily Morse received the HART Shining Star Awards. Both recipients have gone above and beyond in their perspective areas




Love 146 COVID-19 Video

Love 146 - COVID-19

  Love 146 COVID-19 Video (En Español)

Love146Video in Spanish


Connecticut's Response to Child Trafficking:  Presentation / Webinar 
Domestic Child Sex Trafficking!

Human Trafficking:  More than what you think / Yvette Young, TEDxHartford     
Just Surviving: No More (Created by the University of New Haven)

Know the Signs of Human Trafficking

Live Panel Discussion with Connecticut’s HART (View Flyer)

Tammy Sneed, DCF-Child Sex Trafficking Challenge-MidLIFE Matters TV
The Power of Conversation (Love 146)

Trafficked in America: The Hidden Reality of Labor Trafficking in the U.S. 

Trafficked In America Video