DOCKET NO. 225a - Kleen Energy Systems, LLC application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, maintenance and operation of an Electric Generating Facility and Switchyard on River Road, Middletown, Connecticut.








March 25, 2003

Decision and order

In response to a Petition for Reconsideration submitted on December 10, 2002, by the Certificate Holder in this docket, Kleen Energy Systems, LLC (Kleen Energy), the Connecticut Siting Council (Council) hereby modifies its Docket No. 225 Findings of Fact and Decision and Order of November 21, 2002. Decision and Order 1(h), Finding of Fact No. 6 and Finding of Fact No. 41 are hereby modified, as described below.

  1. Decision and Order 1(h) in Docket No. 225 is modified to now read as follows:

    "Prior to initiating construction of a phase of its power plant project, Kleen Energy shall identify the source of financing for such phase. This filing may be made under protective order. This condition does not apply to preliminary site work such as site stabilization or geotechnical borings."

  2. Kleen Energy shall post a performance bond, satisfactory to the Council, which includes the placement and maintenance of adequate erosion and sediment controls at the Kleen Energy project site. If the project is not constructed or not completed, the project site must be restored to the satisfaction of the Council. The Council shall be the named beneficiary of the bond, with the power to invoke the bond upon nonperformance of its conditions.

  3. The third sentence of Finding of Fact No. 6 in Docket No. 225 is modified to now read:

    "The balloons were tethered so that their lengths when fully vertical would be representative of the exhaust stacks at 555 feet above mean sea level (AMSL)."

  4. The first sentence of Finding of Fact No. 41 in Docket No. 225 is modified to now read:

"All sedimentation structures would be designed to handle a 100-year storm event."

We hereby direct that a copy of the Findings of Fact, Opinion, and Decision and Order be served on each person listed below, and notice of issuance published in The Hartford Courant, The New Britain Herald, and the Middletown Press.

By this Decision and Order, the Council disposes of the legal rights, duties, and privileges of each party named or admitted to the proceeding in accordance with Section 16-50j-17 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

The parties and intervenors to this proceeding are:

Applicant                                                Its Representatives

Kleen Energy Systems, LLC                Mr. William C. Corvo, President
                                                    Kleen Energy Systems, LLC
                                                    90 Industrial Park Road
                                                    Middletown, Connecticut 06457
                                                    (860) 632-1044

                                                    Lawrence J. Golden, Esq.
                                                    Pullman & Comley, LLC
                                                    90 State House Square
                                                    Hartford, Connecticut 06103
                                                    (860) 424-4346
                                                    (860) 424-4370 - fax

Intervenor                                     Its Representative

NRG Middletown Power LLC                 Aimee L. Hoben
                                                     Alfred E. Smith, Jr.
                                                     Murtha Cullina LLP
                                                     Two Whitney Avenue
                                                     P.O. Box 704
                                                     New Haven, CT 06503
                                                     (203) 772-7000
                                                     (203) 772-7723 - fax

Intervenor                                     Its Representative

The Connecticut Light & Power Co.      Daniel Venora
                                                    Associate General Counsel
                                                    Northeast Utilities Service Company
                                                    P.O. Box 270
                                                    Hartford, CT 06141-0270
                                                    (860) 665-3395
                                                    (860) 665-5504 - fax

Intervenor                                     Its Representative

City of Middletown                            Timothy P. Lynch
                                                     Deputy City Attorney
                                                     City Attorney's Office
                                                     City of Middletown
                                                     245 deKoven, P.O. Box 1300
                                                     Middletown, CT 06457-1300
                                                     (860) 344-3422
                                                     (860) 344-3499 - fax

Intervenor                                      Its Representative

CT River Watershed Council, Inc.          Christopher Joyell
                                                      Connecticut River Watershed Council, Inc.
                                                      DeKoven House Community Center
                                                      27 Washington Street
                                                      Middletown, CT 06457
                                                      (860) 704-0057
                                                      (860) 528-3588 - fax