DOCKET NO. 505 Haddam Quarter Solar, LLC application for a Kearsarge Haddam Quarter, LLC Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a 2.8-megawatt-AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility located south of Haddam Quarter Road and north of Johnson Lane, Durham, Connecticut and associated electrical interconnection.

APPLICATION (recd. 7/9/21)
Attachment 1 - Site Location Map
Attachment 2 - Certificate of Service of Application to Government Officials
Attachment 3 - Legal Notice - Middletown Press
Attachment 4 - List of Abutting Landowners; Certificate of Service; and Sample Notice Letter Attachment 5 - Ground Lease Agreement (Redacted)
Attachment 6 - Detailed Project Development Plans
Attachment 7 - Decommissioning Plan
Attachment 8 -Public Outreach Information and Neighborhood Meeting Summary
Attachment 9 -Environmental Assessment
Attachment 10 - Operations and Maintenance Plan
Technical Report
Town of Durham Zoning Regulations
Town of Durham Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations
Town of Durham Plan of Conservation and Development

Council Municipal Participation Fund Letter to the State Treasurer, 07/13/21 
Council Incomplete Letter to Applicant, 07/14/21
Council Acknowledgement Applicant's Response to Incomplete Letter, 07/20/21
Completeness Review Memorandum, 7/29/21
Council Decision on Motion for Protective Order, 07/30/21
Council Interrogatories to Applicant, 08/19/21
Council Acknowledgement of Durham Planning and Zoning Commission Comments, 10/28/21 


Council on Environmental Quality Comments (CEQ), 07/28/21
Corrected CEQ Comments, received 08/02/21
Department of Agriculture Comments, 09/16/21
Department of Transportation Comments, 10/13/21
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Comments, 10/28/21


Town of Durham Planning and Zoning Commission Comments, 10/22/21




September 28, 2021 Hearing Documents, 07/30/21
1.  Instructions for Public Access to Remote Public Hearing on September 28, 2021
2.  Public Hearing Notice
3.  Hearing Program
4. Citizens Guide to Siting Council Procedures; and 
5.  Proposed Facility Site Plan 
Remote Hearing Procedure Memorandum and Pre-Remote Hearing Teleconference, 08/19/21
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 09/28/21 (Passcode:  7%OmUYf?  )

Schedule, 7/12/21
Schedule, 7/29/21
Schedule, 8/19/21

Service Lists
Service List, 07/13/21
Service List, 08/19/21
Service List, 06/06/24

Hearing Programs
Hearing Program, 09/28/21

Hearing Transcript 2 p.m., 09/28/21
Public Session Transcript 6:30 p.m., 09/28/21
Council Transcript Memorandum, 10/15/21



Applicant - Haddam Quarter Solar, LLC 

Applicant's Affidavit of Publication, 07/15/21
Applicant's Supplemental Certificate of Service, 07/15/21
Applicant's Protective Order related to unredacted lease agreement, signed 07/29/21
Applicant's Responses to Council Interrogatories, 09/09/21
Applicant's Sign Posting Affidavit, 09/16/21
Applicant's Pre-Hearing Submission of Resumes, 09/21/21

Procedural Correspondence

Applicant's Service List Change Request, 08/19/21
Applicant's List of Witnesses and Exhibits, 09/21/21

Motions and Objections
Applicant's Motion for Protective Order, 07/20/21

Post Hearing Brief and Draft Findings of Fact
Applicant's Letter in Lieu of Post-Hearing Brief, 10/28/21

Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 11/22/21
Applicant's Comments on Council's Draft Findings of fact, 11/24/21


Council's Final Decision Documents, 12/06/21
Correct Letter to the State Treasurer, 12/07/21


Development and Management Plan, 06/12/23
D&M Plan Schedule, 06/22/23
Council D&M Plan Interrogatories, 06/27/23
D&M Plan Schedule, 06/27/23
Request for Extension to Respond to Council D&M Interrogatories and Council Extension Approval, 07/11/23
D&M Plan Schedule, 07/11/23
Responses to Council D&M Plan Interrogatories, 07/18/23
Council Request for an Extension of Time to Render a Decision on the D&M Plan, 07/25/23
Council D&M Plan Interrogatories, Set Two, 07/28/23
D&M Plan Schedule, 07/28/23
Response to Council's Request for an Extension of Time to Render a Decision on the D&M Plan and Responses to Council D&M Plan Interrogatories, Set Two, 07/28/23
D&M Plan Schedule, 07/28/23
Council Decision D&M Plan, 08/18/23
Notice of Construction Commencement, 09/22/23
Request for D&M Revision and Council Revision Decision and Acknowledgement of Condition Submission, 11/15/23
Kearsarge Haddam Quarter LLC Correspondence and Council Letter Requesting Compliance with Condition No. 10 - Request for Transfer of Certificate, 04/10/24
Transfer of Certificate Request, 04/15/24
Council Decision on Transfer of Certificate Request, 06/07/24
Decision and Order Condition No. 1 Submission and Council Acknowledgement, 06/07/24
Request for D&M Revision and Council Revision Decision, 09/20/24
Council Correspondence Regarding Non-Compliance with D&M Plan Conditions, 12/05/24
Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report, 06/04/24
Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report, 06/18/24
Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report, 07/02/24
Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report, 07/16/24
Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report, 08/13/24
Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report, 09/10/24
Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report, 10/15/24
Construction Status Update, 11/24/24
Construction Status Update and Request for Extension, 01/09/25
Council Decision on Request for Extension of Construction Time, 01/09/25
Monitoring Report, 01/28/25