UConn Main Accumulation Area
Municipality where project is proposed: Mansfield
Address of Possible Project Location: UConn North Campus "Parcel G" Site, located between the existing North Hillside Road and C Lot on the University of Connecticut Storrs Campus, Mansfield, Connecticut
Project Description: The University of Connecticut (UConn) proposes to construct a new centralized facility for the temporary storage of chemical, biological, and low-level radioactive wastes from the University’s academic research and teaching laboratories and facility operations on the Storrs campus. To protect public health and the environment and to ensure regulatory compliance, these wastes are managed by the UConn Division of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, as well as University health and safety policies and procedures.
The existing MAA is adequate to serve the current needs of the University and meets or exceeds state and federal requirements for safety and environmental protection. The existing MAA is located within the Fenton River watershed and the drainage basin of the Willimantic Reservoir, which is a public water supply. Although the facility has been operated safely since it was established in 1989, the University recognizes the public concern that remains about the location of the facility within the public water supply watershed. Also, space on the existing site is limited, resulting in poor circulation for waste transport vehicles, and its design is inconsistent with modern MAA facilities at other comparable research institutions. Further, the existing facility is expected to have difficulties meeting future needs without dramatically increasing the frequency of off-site waste shipments.
In 2012, UConn convened an Advisory Committee consisting of representatives from the Town of Mansfield, Windham Water Works, local watershed organizations, the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources, and University of Connecticut staff from Public Safety, Environmental Policy, and Residential Life. The Advisory Committee conducted a siting study to identify and assess potential sites for an upgraded MAA facility. The study recommended a prioritized list of alternative sites with the preferred alternative being the North Campus "Parcel G", located between the existing North Hillside Road and C Lot. This site is also located outside of the public water supply watershed.
The Proposed Action consists of constructing a new MAA facility on the North Campus Parcel G site and decommissioning of the existing MAA. The proposed facility consists of a waste storage building with a footprint of approximately 5,800 square feet and an overall site that is approximately 0.75 acres to accommodate vehicle circulation and parking.
The University has prepared an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) to further evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the Proposed Action, as well as other alternative sites considered, including the existing location (i.e., the No Action alternative).
Project Map:
Click here to view a map of the site of the proposed MAA on North Campus Parcel G.
Comments on this EIE will be accepted until the close of business on: January 19, 2014
The public can view a copy of this EIE at:
Mansfield Town Clerk’s Office, Audrey P Beck Municipal Building, 4 South Eagleville Road, Mansfield, CT
Mansfield Public Library, 54 Warrenville Road, Mansfield, CT
The EIE can also be viewed on line by clicking on the link below:
Environmental Impact Evaluation, University of Connecticut, Main Accumulation Area
A copy of the EIE will be available at the following website: http://www.envpolicy.uconn.edu/eiestorage.html
A public hearing will be held on this EIE on:
DATE: January 8, 2014
TIME: 7:00 p.m. (Doors will be open at 6:00 p.m. to allow review of informational materials.)
PLACE: Room 146, UConn Bishop Center; One Bishop Circle; Storrs, CT
Written comments should be sent to:
Name: Jason Coite
Agency: University of Connecticut – Office of Environmental Policy
Address: 31 LeDoyt Road, U-3055, Storrs, Connecticut 06269
Phone: 860-486-9305
Fax: 860-486-5477
Email: jason.coite@uconn.edu
If you have questions about the public hearing, or other questions about the EIE, contact Mr. Coite as directed above.