1. Notice of Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) University of Connecticut Ice Hockey Arena Development Project


Municipality where project is proposed:  Mansfield


Address of Possible Project Location:  509 Jim Calhoun Way


Project Description: The University is planning construction of a new ice hockey arena and associated surface parking on approximately 12.5 acres south of Jim Calhoun Way and west of the Mark Edward Freitas Ice Forum on its main campus in the Storrs section of Mansfield, Connecticut. The site is about half developed today and consists primarily of a surface parking lot (Lot I), storm water conveyance, some wetlands, and rolling, wooded uplands.

In 2014, UConn’s Division 1 Men’s and Women’s ice hockey teams joined the Hockey East conference. Because the current Freitas Ice Forum is too small and does not meet Hockey East standards and requirements to host UConn’s men’s hockey games, UConn has played most of its men’s home hockey games in the XL Center in Hartford since the 2014-2015 season. The Hockey East Association requires teams in the conference to have on-campus facilities with at least 4,000 seats along with other amenities, however UConn has obtained permission from Hockey East to build a venue with lower seating capacity.


At a minimum, the proposed development will include:

  • Facilities adhering to NCAA Division I Ice Hockey requirements, Hockey East Conference standards, and University guidelines and requirements
  • Up to 3,500 seats, with up to 50% seat-back chairs; the balance being bleachers
  • Locker rooms and office space
  • Site improvements and parking for up to 700 vehicles

Construction is currently planned to commence in fall 2020, with a targeted opening date in fall 2022.  The new arena would adhere to University design guidelines and performance standards for new construction.

The University has prepared an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) to further evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the Proposed Action, as well as other alternatives, including the No Action alternative.


Project Maps:  Click here to view a map of the approximate project location. Click here to view a conceptual site plan for the proposed Ice Hockey Arena Development Project.


Comments on this EIE will be accepted until 5 pm onFriday, April 17, 2020

The public may view a copy of this EIE:

  • Online - click here
  • Mansfield Town Clerk’s Office, 4 South Eagleville Road, Mansfield, CT
  • Mansfield Public Library, 54 Warrenville Road, Mansfield, CT

A public meeting will be held on: Wednesday, April 8, 2020

TIME: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm (Doors will open at 3:00 pm for preview of meeting materials).

PLACE: Konover Auditorium at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, 405 Babbidge Road, Storrs, CT.  Public parking is available in the South Garage, 2366 Jim Calhoun Way, Storrs, CT, adjacent to the UConn Bookstore on Hillside Road.

NOTES: In-person attendance of the public meeting at Konover Auditorium is subject to change.  If the State’s public health and civil preparedness emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic remains in effect, the event can only be attended remotely per Executive Order No. 7B. The event will be streamed live online.  Links to the live stream and recording will be available at http://updc.uconn.edu as the date of the meeting approaches.

Questions and comments regarding this EIE and its public meeting may be sent to:

Name: John Robitaille, Sr. Project Manager

Agency: University Planning, Design & Construction

Address: 31 LeDoyt Road, Unit 3038, Storrs, CT 06269

Email: john.robitaille@uconn.edu

Phone: 860-486-5930


What happens next: The sponsoring State agency will review the comments received and may conduct further environmental study and analysis or amend the evaluation. The sponsoring agency shall prepare responses to the substantive issues raised in review of and comment on the environmental impact evaluation and any supplemental materials or amendments. Those responses and all supplemental materials and comments shall be made available in a "Record of Decision" which will appear in the Environmental Monitor for public inspection.