Members of the public may watch the following parole and pardons hearings via video feed (Click here for instructions. The video will be available for viewing after the hearing as long as the link is posted on the website). Hearings start at 9am unless posted otherwise. Click on the below links to watch hearings on:

March 6th, 2025:
Corrigan CI/Hartford CC & VOP Designation Reviews - R#3.

Revocation Reviews & Rescission Hearing - R#2.
Rescission Hearing starts at 9:30am.

March 7th, 2025:
P.A. 23-169/15-84 Hearing - R#3.

All hearings will be conducted as MS Teams or Zoom Virtual Hearings and streamed LIVE on this website as well. Please check back periodically for updates and links. Please refresh or switch your web browser if the links are not working.



Please read the following criteria carefully and fully.


A Certificate of Employability (COE) is for employment and licensure purposes only. This does not erase your criminal history. You may apply to the Board of Pardons and Paroles (BOPP) for a Certificate of Employability only if you meet the following criteria:


  • You are a resident of the State of Connecticut

  • You have a criminal record (from any state or federal jurisdiction)


For those individuals who have recently completed a sentence (discharged) or are on parole or special parole, the following applies:


  • If you are currently under supervision with the Department of Correction’s Parole and Community Services Division, you must have successfully completed 90 days of supervision;

  • If you have recently successfully completed your sentence (discharged,) are not currently under supervision, have no new arrest(s) and have been in the community for a minimum of 90 days.


If any of the following apply, you are not eligible to apply for a COE:


  • You are currently incarcerated;

  • If you had a case “nolled” within the previous thirteen (13) months, you are not eligible to apply for any type of pardon, including a COE, until the nolle has cleared.  A nolle remains for a period of thirteen (13) months after the date of disposition by the court;

  • If you are currently on Probation and have more than 90 days of supervision left (you must apply through your probation officer.)