What are Vocational Rehabilitation services for people with disabilities?

Read time: 3 minutes

Rehabilitation Services’ mission is to help those we serve get high quality jobs with room for growth and advancement. We partner with employers, other state and federal agencies and the American Job Center. We help people find jobs in growing industries. We provide individualized services and will train you, so you have industry-specific skill sets. We focus on preparing you for the workforce.

Rehabilitation Services is a core program of the workforce system which is made up of a network of federal, state, and local government-funded agencies and a proud partner of the American Job Center.

Adults with a significant disability (one that creates challenges in gaining, keeping, or advancing in work) are able to take advantage of the services offered by Rehabilitation Services.

If you are a student with disabilities between the ages of 16-22, who receives special education or related services, and are looking for help, we offer the Level Up program just for you.




Am I Eligible?

  • I have a physical or mental disability
  • My disability causes issues at work
  • My disability makes it difficult for me to get or keep a job
  • I think some of the benefits ADS offers might help me prepare for, get a job, and keep it

If you are eligible for VR services, you will work with a BRS counselor to develop an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). Your Employment Plan is an outline of the services that BRS will provide to you and includes important information about how we will work together to get you on the career path you want.

If you are legally blind, you can obtain VR services from the Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB). Visit VR Services for the Blind, call 860-602-4000 or email ADS.BESB@ct.gov.


How do I get Started?

Contact the Rehabilitation Services office nearest to your home to apply for services. See all our office locations.

You can also fill out this online form with your information and a counselor in your area will get back to you.

A Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor will explain how our process works and answer any questions you may have. Once you make the decision to apply for services the counselor has up to 60 days to determine if you are eligible.

Please note: You will be asked to provide information about your disability, your education and any work or volunteer opportunities you may have had. When necessary, you may be asked to participate in medical, psychiatric, psychological or other evaluations that will be paid for by BRS.

If you are younger than 18 years old, your parent or guardian will have to be involved in the process.

ADS Vocational Rehabilitation Access to Information and Referral (In ASL)


Career Pathways

The world of work is evolving. The Career Pathways approach prepares job seekers for in demand positions through education, training, and industry recognized credentials.

You and your counselor will work together to develop your individual career plan.

  • Exploring your skills
  • Planning and Preparing
  • Education and training
  • Placement and Advancement

ADS Assistance Managing your Services and Work (In ASL)

For job seekers