2014 Press Releases

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  • 10/3/2014 AG Jepsen to PURA: CL&P Rate Increase Request Unwarranted and Unsubstantiated

    In a brief filed today, Attorney General George Jepsen urged the state Public Utilities Regulatory Authority to reject an application by the Connecticut Light & Power Company seeking a $221 million increase in its rates and to approve rates that are no more than just and reasonable as required by state law.

  • 10/1/2014 Gov. Malloy, AG Jepsen: BIA's Wholesale, Dramatic Federal Tribal Recognition Changes Should be Rejected

    Attorney General George Jepsen yesterday filed official comments with the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs on behalf of the state in opposition to proposed rules issued that would significantly weaken the substantive requirements for federal tribal recognition. Governor Dannel P. Malloy said that he supports the Attorney General's comments and that, if ultimately enacted, the BIA's proposed rules would have a unique impact in Connecticut.

  • 10/1/2014 Statement from AG Jepsen and Healthcare Advocate Veltri On Anthem, Hartford Healthcare Contract Dispute

    "We are profoundly disappointed that Anthem and Hartford Healthcare have been unable to reach an agreement by deadline, and we are very concerned about the impact that this situation will have on the thousands of Connecticut residents who now find that their hospital provider is no longer in network. We strongly urge the two parties to put the quality and continuity of patient care first and resolve this matter as quickly as possible."

  • 9/29/2014 AG Jepsen: New Physician Practice Acquisition Notice Requirement Takes Effect on October 1

    Legislation proposed by Attorney General George Jepsen requiring that notice of certain physician practice acquisitions be provided to the state Office of the Attorney General will take effect on October 1. Today, Attorney General Jepsen announced that, in order to facilitate the new required notice, he has posted a new form on his Web site as well as instructions for the form's completion and submission.

  • 9/25/2014 State Joins National Settlement with Shire Pharmaceuticals

    Attorney General George Jepsen, Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane and state Department of Social Services (DSS) Commissioner Roderick L. Bremby announced today that Connecticut has joined a federal-state settlement with Shire Pharmaceuticals, LLC to resolve allegations that the company inappropriately marketed Adderall XR, Vyvanse, Daytrona, Lialda and Pentasa for conditions not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

  • 9/24/2014 Department of Consumer Protection, Attorney General Urge Home Depot Customers to Report Misuse, Take Advantage of Free Identity Protection and Monitoring in Wake of Data Breach

    Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner William M. Rubenstein and Attorney General George Jepsen today advised all Connecticut residents who have shopped at Home Depot stores since April to take advantage of the free services being offered by the retailer in the wake of the massive data breach announced earlier this month.

  • 9/15/2014 Attorney General Jepsen Asks Apple for Meeting on Watch Privacy Questions

    Apple, Inc. has billed its new Apple Watch as "the most personal device" that it has ever created, but Attorney General George Jepsen has questions about the privacy protections that the company will implement and enforce on the device.

  • 9/9/2014 AG Jepsen Joins Colleagues in Urging FCC to Permit Phone Companies to Block Unwanted Telemarketing Calls

    Attorney General George Jepsen and 38 other state and territorial attorneys general sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) formally requesting its opinion regarding the legal authority of telephone companies to electronically block unwanted automated telemarketing calls – so called “robocalls” -- intended for their customers. Telephone companies have claimed that federal law administered by the FCC prohibits them from implementing existing technologies to block robocalls.

  • 9/4/2014 AG Jepsen to FDA: End Bottleneck Preventing Generic Nexium from Entering the Market

    In comments to a Citizen Petition filed with the Food and Drug Administration today, Attorney General George Jepsen called on the federal agency to expeditiously end several years of delays preventing the sale of a generic form of the drug esomeprazole magnesium, currently marketed under the brand name Nexium. Nexium is the second highest-selling pharmaceutical drug in the United States, and delays in approving generic versions have cost consumers and government healthcare payers billions of dollars.

  • 9/4/2014 AG Jepsen Joins Coalition Defending Federal Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Standards for Power Plants

    Attorney General George Jepsen today announced that Connecticut and 11 other states, the City of New York and the District of Columbia joined in a court action to support the Environmental Protection Agency’s commitment to set greenhouse gas emissions standards for new and existing fossil-fuel electric generating power plants. The Attorney Generals’ action is in response to a challenge by a coalition of 12 coal-producing states, led by West Virginia, who challenge the terms of a 2010 settlement agreement under which the EPA agreed to enact the regulations.

  • 8/27/2014 Save the Date: Homeowner's Mortgage Assistant Event - Conference Center at CoCo Key in Waterbury

    A free, mortgage-assistance event for homeowners who need information or help with loan modifications, foreclosure prevention, state and federal assistance programs and other lending-related issues will be held Thursday, October 9, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Conference Center at CoCo Key, 3580 East Main Street, in Waterbury, Connecticut. Free parking is available for attendees.

  • 8/21/2014 State Granted Court-appointed Receiver for Amistad America, Inc.

    – The Superior Court for the Judicial District of Hartford has approved an application filed by the Attorney General seeking appointment of a receiver over the operations and assets of Amistad America, Inc., Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Attorney General George Jepsen and state Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD) Commissioner Catherine Smith announced today.

  • 8/15/2014 Governor Malloy, Attorney General and DMV Warn Consumers about Flood-Damaged Vehicles

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Attorney General George Jepsen and the Department of Motor Vehicles joined together today to advise consumers purchasing new or used cars to be alert for flood-damaged vehicles following the heavy rain that struck the Northeast earlier this week.

  • 8/12/2014 AG Jepsen, Consumer Counsel Katz Reach Agreement with Frontier over AT&T Acquisitions in Connecticut

    Attorney General George Jepsen and Consumer Counsel Elin Swanson Katz today announced that the state has reached a settlement agreement with Frontier Communications Corporation in connection with its acquisition of AT&T's phone, broadband Internet and television services in Connecticut.

  • 8/11/2014 AG Jepsen Warns Consumers, Businesses About the Threat of Ransomware

    Attorney General George Jepsen is warning Connecticut consumers and businesses about an emerging computer virus known as "ransomware" and offering tips on how they can protect themselves from cyber-criminals as well as what to do if your computer has been infected.