The best way to protect yourself against EBT theft is to call 1-888-328-2666 to change your PIN number before the state of each month.

Due to renovations the DSS Manchester office will be temporarily closed. A new temporary location opened Monday, Jan. 27 at 146 Hartford Road, Manchester. 

Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE)


Community Options Unit

This website area explains the CT Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE), including who is eligible for the program, what services are available, how to apply for services, and how to contact the program.

To be eligible, applicants must be 65 years of age or older, be a Connecticut resident, be at risk of nursing home placement and meet the program’s financial eligibility criteria. To be at risk of nursing home placement means that the applicant needs assistance with critical needs such as bathing, dressing, eating, taking medications, toileting. The CHCPE helps eligible clients continue living at home instead of going to a nursing home. Each applicant’s needs are reviewed to determine if the applicant may remain at home with the help of home care services. For more information on eligibility criteria, please see the link below.

Services may include:

Care Management Services
Adult Day Health Services
Companion Services
Home Delivered Meals
Homemaker Services

Assisted Living Services

*Personal Care Attendant Services - family members are NOT eligible to be paid for taking care of relatives with very rare exceptions.
*Chore Assistance - only available as part of a package of services to applicants who meet all other eligibility criteria.
Adult Family Living
Bill Payer
Support Broker
Care Transitions
Chronic Disease Self-Management
Assistive Technology

Please follow this link for the CHC Provider Directory.
