This is the archived website of former Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases



Lt. Gov. Wyman, Officials Commemorate Connecticut's Fallen Troops at 10th Annual Wall of Honor Ceremony

(HARTFORD, CT) – Today, Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman and radio personality Brad Davis hosted the 10th annual Wall of Honor ceremony at the Capitol. Joined by Major General Thad Martin, Adjutant General of the Connecticut National Guard, Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner Sean Connolly, state officials, and military families, the event commemorates the Connecticut troops killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Lt. Governor Wyman said, “Military men and women—and their families—make enormous sacrifices in the name of duty. The Wall of Honor is a tribute to the 65 Connecticut service members who made the ultimate sacrifice while defending our nation in Iraq and Afghanistan. Honoring their lives is one way to give back, but it’s only the beginning. They leave a legacy of service—one that we should continue by ensuring housing, healthcare, and other services for veterans and their families. We are deeply grateful for their service and will never forget them.”

Governor Dannel P. Malloy said, “This memorial recognizes the men and women of our state who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and we honor their service to our country. It is an emotional and inspiring tribute to our state’s heroes, and I encourage everyone who visits the State Capitol to make a stop at the Wall of Honor and pay tribute Connecticut’s bravest. I want to thank Lt. Governor Wyman for her efforts creating this memorial and continuing to see that our military families are honored each year for the sacrifices they have made.”

Established by Lt. Governor Wyman in 2007, the Wall of Honor is a permanent memorial that includes photos of 65 Connecticut service members from all branches of the military who were killed in action.

Maj. General Martin said, "The Wall of Honor seeks to honor those who've made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom. These members of our Armed Forces put country and service above all else, and we will never forget them. We appreciate Lieutenant Governor Wyman's continued support of our veteran community, and are honored to have leadership so dedicated to remembering not only our fallen troops, but the sacrifices of those left behind."
Commissioner Connolly said, “Memorial Day is a day that our nation commemorates those who have fallen in the name of freedom. The families of the Wall of Honor here today understand that it’s not just one day of remembrance—their loss is felt every day, and for that, we are forever indebted to them. We are fortunate to live in a state where our leadership appreciates and respects our service men and women, especially those who sacrificed, so that we may gather here freely.”

Brad Davis said, “I’m proud to have joined the Lt. Governor in establishing The Wall of Honor. It’s so important to remember what our military and their families give for us, for our security, and for our democracy. The Wall of Honor is a place to do exactly that.”


Juliet Manalan
Communications Director
Office of Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman
(o) 860.524.7377
(m) 860.913.7528
Twitter: @LGWyman
FB: Office of Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman