Press Releases

Contact: Steve Jensen
October 21, 2013 |
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today, joined by Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, UConn President Susan Herbst, state lawmakers and other UConn officials, held a ceremonial bill signing to celebrate the final approval of the Governor's
Next Generation Connecticut
) legislative initiative, which passed the Connecticut General Assembly with bipartisan support earlier this year. The plan invests $1.5 billion in UConn to support major expansions across three campuses, bring thousands of jobs to the state, and, over the next ten years, catalyze hundreds of millions of dollars in research investment and business activity.
"With the vision of making Connecticut home to the best-educated, most-skilled and productive workforce, we are investing in STEM at our flagship university to assemble a critical mass of scientific personnel, attract the best and brightest students and prepare them for 21st Century jobs, and position UConn as one of the leading research institutions in the nation," Governor Malloy said. "Because higher education is vital to our economic development strategy, Next Generation Connecticut builds on a strong partnership of public and private entities - especially employers in cutting-edge, high growth industry sectors - working together to educate and train the next generation of workers that are globally competitive. This is one of many investments we have made to solidify UConn's status as a leader in higher education and is already paying off by increasing STEM enrollment and creating new jobs now, and bolstering long-term economic growth and innovation going forward."
Over the next ten years, the curricular expansion and focus on STEM is expected to attract $270 million in research dollars, $527 million in new business activity, and will support 4050 permanent jobs. Data shows that from 2000 to 2010, STEM jobs grew three times faster than non-STEM jobs, and unemployment in the STEM fields are 4.4 percent lower than other areas. Responding to the needs of business, Next Generation Connecticut will increase STEM graduates by 47 percent, turning out a workforce that is trained for real-world jobs.
Endorsed by over 100 businesses
, Next Generation Connecticut includes:
$1.54 billion in bonding to construct new STEM facilities, build out teaching and research labs, upgrade information technology, and renovate and build additional housing and parking;
$137 million in state funds to support a 30 percent increase in enrollment at UConn-adding 6580 students and 259 faculty to the UConn Storrs and UConn Stamford campuses;
Expansion of the School of Engineering by increasing enrollment by 70 percent;
Addition of 50 STEM doctoral fellowships and the creation of the premier STEM honors program in the U.S.;
Relocation the Hartford campus to improve accessibility, strengthen collaboration with regional business, and the addition of real-world internships to help students launch careers;
Increase enrollment in the Digital Media and Business degree programs at the Stamford campus by 110% (1,520 student increase) to address workforce shortages; and an
Investment of $15 million at the Avery Point campus to modernize classroom and lab buildings and transform the dock area and waterfront operations to advance the research mission, educational activities, and public outreach efforts.
"The emerging bioscience industry and STEM fields play to all of Connecticut's strengths, and Next Generation CT will allow us to take advantage of those assets," Lt. Governor Wyman said. "There are some who say we being too ambitious and are moving too fast. But this is exactly the kind of investment we need to reinvent this great university and to reinvent our economy, for us and for our children and grandchildren."
"This is a truly historic occasion, both for UConn and for all of us in Connecticut who believe our flagship university has a vital role to play in the state's economic vibrancy and competitiveness," UConn President Susan Herbst said. "Next Generation Connecticut will allow UConn to educate many more highly skilled, highly qualified men and women to be the workforce - and the citizens - of the future. They will live here, work here, and help make Connecticut the intellectual and economic success story it should be - and must be. UConn is immensely grateful to the state officials who helped make Next Gen possible, and extends special thanks to
Governor Malloy for his vision, courage and leadership."
Recently constructed STEM facilities at UConn are at full capacity and the $1.5 billion construction component of Next Generation Connecticut expands campus infrastructure by building new scientific laboratories, purchasing advanced equipment, constructing new classrooms, and adding housing. In addition to bolstering job creation in high-tech STEM fields and driving innovation, Next Generation Connecticut will create 30,000 construction jobs through 2024. Capital and operating funding for Next Generation Connecticut will be allocated incrementally between FY15 and FY24, with UConn sharing fiduciary responsibility with the state. The university will contribute $235 million for the building program and $149 million in operating funds to support the academic program components. The construction component of the plan includes:
$538M for construction & renovations of new STEM facilities
$682M for infrastructure improvements
$565M for teaching and research labs to accommodate faculty & students
$100M for steam line repair
$310M for research equipment, IT & teaching labs
$72M to convert existing housing to a STEM Living & Learning
Community and construct two new dormitories (net of additional revenue earned)
$93M for 5,480 more surface and structured parking spaces
$70M for Greater Hartford Campus relocation
$10M for Stamford Campus student housing
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