Creating Agency Navigation

The Agency Navigation is a listing of homepage topics on your website that appear in the left column box. Each topic, when selected, can display a listing of subtopics.

Agency Navigation topics are built under the Services icon Services item displayed in the Content Tree. Creating or editing agency navigation topics can be done multiple ways:


Tip! You can create navigation topics from the Experience Editor view as well.


From the Content Tree

Add a Navigation Topic
  1. Navigate the content tree structure to the Services icon Services item.
  2. Right-click the word Services and a drop down menu will appear with more options.
  3. Select the Agency L1 Category option.
    Adding an agency navigation topic from the content tree
  4. A dialog box will appear for you to enter the navigation topic name. Replace Agency L1 Category in the name field with the new navigation topic name.
    Dialog box for naming an agency navigation topic

  5. NOTE: Special characters and punctuation [!@#$%^&*(),<.>/?;:’”\] cannot be used in the name.

  6. Select OK.


Add a Navigation Subtopic

NOTE: Lift-and-Shift Agencies cannot create subtopics under the Services folder. To create sub-topics, visit the Creating Local Navigation page.

  1. To add a subtopic under an existing topic, right-click the the topic name and a drop down menu will appear with more options.
    • In the image below, a subtopic is being inserted under the "Getting Started" topic.
      Adding an agency navigation subtopic from the content tree
  2. A dialog box will appear for you to enter the subtopic name.
    Dialog box for naming an agency navigation subtopic

  3. NOTE: Special characters and punctuation [!@#$%^&*(),<.>/?;:’”\] cannot be used in the name.

  4. Select OK.


From the Content Area

  1. Navigate the content tree structure to the Services iconServices item.
  2. Select the Services title.
  3. Select the Agency L1 Category button.
    Adding an agency navigation topic from the content area
  4. A dialog box will appear for you to enter the subtopic name.
    Dialog box for naming an agency navigation topic

  5. NOTE: Special characters and punctuation [!@#$%^&*(),<.>/?;:’”\] cannot be used in the name.

  6. Select OK.


From the Ribbon

Adding a Navigation Topic
  1. Select the Services title.
  2. Select the Agency L1 Category option under the Insert section of the ribbon.
    Adding an agency navigation topic from the ribbon
  3. A dialog box will appear for you to enter the topic name.
    Dialog box for naming an agency navigation topic

  4. NOTE: Special characters and punctuation [!@#$%^&*(),<.>/?;:’”\] cannot be used in the name.

  5. Select OK.


Adding a Navigation Subtopic
  1. Select the Navigation Topic title.
  2. Select the Agency Category option under the Insert section of the ribbon.
    Adding an agency navigation subtopic from the ribbon
  3. A dialog box will appear for you to enter the subtopic name.
    Dialog box for naming an agency navigation subtopic

  4. NOTE: Special characters and punctuation [!@#$%^&*(),<.>/?;:’”\] cannot be used in the name.

  5. Select OK.


Linking Homepage Navigation