Adding FAQs

Sample FAQ page:

Insert individual FAQs

  1. Right-click the FAQs title and choose Insert > FAQ.
  2. Enter the FAQ question in the field. Special punctuation is not allowed.
  3. Select OK.
  4. Scroll to the FAQ Data section.
  5. Add any special characters in the FAQ question field.
  6. Select the Show editor link to enter the FAQ answer.
  7. Save Save icon your changes.

Insert FAQ Sections

  1. Right-click the FAQs title and choose Insert > FAQ Section.
  2. Enter the FAQ Section name in the field. Special punctuation is not allowed.
  3. Select OK.
  4. Scroll to the FAQ Section Data section.
  5. Add any special characters in the FAQ Main Title field.
  6. Save Save icon your changes.

Add individual FAQs under the FAQ Section by following the Insert individual FAQs steps above.