Press Releases
The Power is with the People: Secretary Thomas Highlights the Power of Civics in Major Election Year
(Hartford, CT) – As Connecticut enters a major election year, Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas is reminding the public about their civic power!
“From early voting to the legislative process to the redo election in Bridgeport, everyone has a stake in our democratic process,” said Secretary Thomas. “Whether it’s understanding how early voting works, working for election reforms, or sharing your policy ideas with the legislature, the power is with the people. Until we all believe this, many will continue to feel that their vote doesn’t matter.”
As an example of civics in action, Secretary Thomas highlighted the volunteer attorneys serving in Bridgeport as the on-the-ground eyes and ears of the Office on election days, the many groups hosting information sessions on early voting, and the voters who have submitted testimony to the legislature in support of election funding. The Office of the Secretary of the State has created educational materials about many facets of the democratic process, including early voting, which may be downloaded and shared at
In March, Connecticut will have its first opportunity to vote early for the Democrat and Republican Presidential Preference Primary elections. Secretary Thomas urges all voters to prepare by learning how early voting will work in Connecticut.
“Early voting will be here in just a few weeks,” said Secretary Thomas. “Our election workers have spent the last few months getting ready, and now it’s time for voters to do the same.”
She continued: “Absent funding for public outreach and education, my office is making every effort to make resources available. I am asking all stakeholders – including the press – to assist in our efforts to inform voters about early voting and how to engage with the democratic process.”
Earlier this week, Secretary Thomas made an appeal to the General Assembly’s Appropriations Committee for an adjustment to the state’s budget for more funding towards elections in the state. “Towns are doing their fair share,” said Secretary Thomas. “We’re just asking the state to do theirs.”
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