Bureau of Special Education | Connecticut State Department of Education
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On June 1, 2020, two new guidance documents were released to the field related to Summer School 2020. Please review these important documents at: Rules for operating Summer School during COVID19 Preparing for a Safe Return to Classroom Learning - Summer School...
In a May 29, 2020, email communication, Connecticut’s Special Education Division Director, Bryan Klimkiewicz, forwarded two guidance documents regarding IEP Progress Reporting and the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System Revised Admissions Process...
In a May 20, 2020, email communication to the field, Connecticut’s Special Education Division Director, Bryan Klimkiewicz, forwarded three guidance documents regarding Extended School Year (ESY) Services, Early Childhood Child Find and Transition from IDEA Par...
Secondary Transition Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic
5/4/2020 by The Bureau BulletinThe Bureau of Special Education is excited to share with you some Professional Support Series webinars and resources, which can be found on the CSDE Professional Support Series for Families webpage and CSDE Professional Support Series for Districts webpage (in...
Supporting Parents/Caregivers of Students with High Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic Resource Guide & Webinar Series The Bureau of Special Education is excited to share with you some Professional Support Series webinars and resources, which can be found ...
Continued Educational Opportunities and Special Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Update 1
4/28/2020 by The Bureau BulletinOn Friday, April 24, 2020, Bryan Klimkiewicz, Special Education Division Director, issued a memorandum to Connecticut Superintendents of Schools and Directors of Special Education and Pupil Services. This important document was update #1 to the March 24, 2020,...
Due Process Activities under IDEA during the COVID-19 Pandemic
4/9/2020 by The Bureau BulletinIn an April 6, 2020, memorandum to Superintendents of Schools and Directors of Special Education and Pupil Services, Connecticut State Department of Education’s Special Education Division Director, Bryan Klimkiewicz, issued guidance related to Due Proces...
Special Education Guidance and Resources for COVID-19
3/26/2020 by The Bureau BulletinWe are excited to announce that the Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education now has a dedicated webpage, Special Education Guidance and Resources for COVID-19. This page will provide information for special education leaders, sch...
Continued Educational Opportunities and Special Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic
3/25/2020 by The Bureau BulletinIn a March 24, 2020, memorandum to Connecticut School Superintendents, Boards of Education, and Directors of Special Education and Pupil Services, Special Education Division Director, Bryan Klimkiewicz issued guidance related to continuing educational opportun...
Initial Evaluation Timeline Memorandum
1/24/2020 by The Bureau BulletinOn January 24, 2020, the Bureau of Special Education released the following notification to the field. Good Afternoon Special Education Leaders, Please find an updated guidance memorandum related to Initial Evaluation Timeline: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SD...
Bureau of Special Education | Connecticut State Department of Education
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