CSDE 2023-24 Secondary Transition and SLD and SLD Dyslexia Professional Learning Opportunities

The Connecticut State Department of Education, in collaboration with our SERC and RESC partners, is offering professional learning opportunities in Secondary Transition and in SLD/Dyslexia. Please see the information below to take advantage of those opportunities!

CSDE 2023-24 Secondary Transition Professional Learning Opportunities

The following professional learning opportunities for secondary transition are available during the 2023-24 school year. Please visit the CSDE Secondary Transition Professional Learning Opportunities webpage for more information.

CSDE 2023-24 SLD and SLD/Dyslexia Professional Learning Opportunities

The following professional learning opportunities are available. These opportunities are also posted on the CSDE SLD and SLD/Dyslexia web page under Professional Learning Opportunities.