Resources for Increasing Educator Diversity Plan Creation and Implementation


From the Connecticut State Department of Education

Key CSDE Resources - Guidebook and Toolkit
    Increasing Educator Diversity Toolkit for District and School Leaders
  1. Guidebook for Hiring and Selection
  2. A Toolkit for District & School Leaders
  3. Creating, Reviewing, and Approving Increasing Educator Diversity Action Plans Infographic
  4. Increasing Educator Diversity Plan Template - You must use the fillable Increasing Educator Diversity Plan Template, below, to create and submit your increasing educator diversity plan.

    IED Toolkit Appendix

  5. Email questions about increasing educator diversity plans to:
  6. To upload your increasing educator diversity plan by March 15, 2024 use the link below to access the Increasing Educator Diversity Plan Submission Portal:
  7. FAQs, Plan Template, EdSight Educator Diversity Dashboard and Reports