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  • Special Education

    The Special Education Excess Cost Data Collection system is used to collect LEA Excess Cost and State Agency Placement Grant data from school districts.

  • Student Counts

    Analysis of pupil data to make adjustments for a variety of things including, but not limited to, grades, schools, and duplicate entries.

  • Resources for Communities-Mastery-Based Learning

  • Scoring Criteria - Mastery-Based Learning

    Mastery-Based Learning requires a means of assessment where students can view learning as a process and use problem-solving strategies to meet or exceed learning expectations. Scoring guides have been implemented into today’s classrooms to give students a better understanding of what is being assessed, what criteria grades are based upon, and what clear and compelling learning targets are addressed.

  • Standards vs. Competencies - Mastery-Based Learning

    Standards are the responsibility of the State Board of Education. Standards are proposed by the Connecticut Department of Education and adopted by the State Board of Education. Competencies are the knowledge, skills, and/or behaviors students must master in specific content or performance areas according to the OLD Foundation.

  • Student Success Plan - Mastery-Based Learning

    A student success plan, also called a personalized learning plan, means a plan developed on behalf of a student by the student, a representative of the school, and, if the student is a minor, the student’s parents or a legal guardian, and updated at least annually.

  • Summative Assessment - Mastery-Based Learning

    The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

  • Unit Design - Mastery-Based Learning

    Because mastery-based learning focuses on results, the Backward Design approach to unit design fits well. In brief, the stages of the Backward Design approach are summarized below

  • Why Mastery-Based Learning? Video Resources

  • What is Mastery-Based Learning?

    Connecticut students can learn through student-centered pathways that ensure college and career readiness.

  • Direct Certification for School Nutrition Programs

    Direct certification is a process conducted by states and local educational agencies to certify eligible children for free meals without the need for household applications.

  • Farm to School

    The Farm-to-School Program involves a variety of school experiences and programs about gardening, educating children about nutrition, and purchasing fresh, locally grown farm products.

  • Reimbursement Rates for Child Nutrition Programs

    Information on the reimbursement rates for meals and snacks served in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Child Nutrition Programs.

  • School Lunch Tray and Table Talk

  • Resources for Child Nutrition Programs

    Education and training resources for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Child Nutrition Programs, including school nutrition programs (National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Snack Program (ASP), Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), Special Milk Program (SMP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP), the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).