LEA Documentation
- General- User Guide and basic collection information
- Course Codes- Course lists, coding structure and CTE information
- Next Generation Indicator Information- Details on indicator calculations
- Communication- Links to all emails sent this collection year
- Additional Information About All CSDE Data Collections- A link to the Performance Office Data Collections page which contains useful SDE collection information
NOTE: Please check back as several 2024-25 updates are forthcoming.
- 2023 - 24 User Guide- Definitions, code lists, etc. 2024-25 not yet available.
- 2023 - 24 Training PowerPoint- This is the PowerPoint used at both in-person and online sessions. Be sure you have the latest version as it is updated as new questions arise. 2024-25 not yet available.
- TCS Workflow- This document is a visual representation of the steps need to complete the TCS collection.
- TCS Template- Use this to manually create your file.
Facility Codes:
- Complete Facility Code List (updated monthly) - This list provides the seven digit course code for the Course Facility Code and Facility 1 Code fields.
- Dual Enrollment Codes - The college that has agreed to issue credit for a particular course.
- 2024-25 Transition/Vocational Service Providers - A student must be registered to one of these facilities and under the age of 17 or over the age of 22 in order to use code 02 (transition services) on the Missing SASID Report.
Course Codes:
- SCED Codes, Career Technical Education Course Codes and Clusters, AP Courses - For the 2024-25 school year SCED Version 12.0 will be will be used to report courses. See the Additional Codes below for changes from the prior year. Several courses were recoded and can no longer be used.
This document lists the courses that fall into each Technical Education Cluster. Note that the Connecticut CTE clusters differ from the federal codes. The Connecticut CTE clusters are reflected in the Next Generation Accountability System.
- Additional Codes - This document lists codes introduced in SCED 12.0 and Connecticut specific codes that are not part of SCED.
- 2024-25 Additional Codes - Excel
- 2024-25 Additional Codes - PDF
- Reminder: 04901 is the CT specific course code for the African American, Black, Latino, and Puerto Rican Course of Studies. The course description is available in the Additional Codes document above.
- Recodes - The course code used last year has changed. Be sure to make the necessary changes in your student information system.
- Additional Codes - This document lists codes introduced in SCED 12.0 and Connecticut specific codes that are not part of SCED.
- Commonly Used Elementary & Middle School Codes- This document lists codes that can be used to report students in PK- 6.
- Course Code Structure
- 2024-25 Computer Science Course List - Excel
- 2024-25 Computer Science Course List - PDF
CT Computer Science Course Reporting Guidance Webinar - A background of why this guidance has been created and information on how LEA’s can ensure courses reported to the CSDE, in terms of Computer Science, are accurate. (recorded 4/28/21)
Next Generation Indicator Information:
2024-25 Communication:
Below are links to emails sent to all LEA contacts with the TCS User role as of the date of communication. Contact your LEA Security Manager for any updates to this role.
- No 2024-25 emails have been sent yet
Additional Information About All CSDE Data Collections:
- Visit the CSDE Data Collections page for information about all data collections, the Commissioner’s letter, the Agency Data Acquisition Plan, Timely and Accurate Information, Summary of Timely/Accurate Due Dates, certifying data, logging in, and passwords/usernames.