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Full, Equal and Equitable Partnerships with Families
Connecticut's definition and framework for family engagement
Guidelines for Adapted Physical Education
The purpose of these guidelines is to clarify and to underscore the importance of physical education—in the context of meaningful physical participation within a community of peers—for students with disabilities in a school environment.
Guidelines for Alternative Education Settings
These guidelines are designed to support the operation of alternative education settings (schools or programs) offered by local and regional boards of education. The purpose of the guidelines is to ensure improved program designs and greater outcomes for students in alternative education settings.
Guidelines for Blood Glucose Self-monitoring in Connecticut Schools
Recommendations for developing policies that help students with diabetes monitor their blood glucose levels in school settings.
Guidelines for Identification and Education of Children and Youth with Autism
These guidelines address critical issues and current research important to individuals who are concerned about children and youth with autistic spectrum disorders.
Guidelines for Identifying and Educating Students with Emotional Disability
Guidance for making appropriate decisions regarding eligibility and specialized services for students with emotional disability as defined in the IDEA 2004.
Guidelines for Managing Life-threatening Food Allergies in Connecticut Schools
These guidelines assist Connecticut schools in managing the health and safety needs of children with life-threatening allergic conditions. Management of the health and safety needs of students with glycogen storage disease (GSD) is also included.
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in school-aged children, affecting approximately 215,000 young people in the United States, or about 1 in every 400 to 500 young people under 20 years of age.
Literacy/English Language Arts
Curriculum and Instruction, Surveys, and Assessments for English Language Arts.
Matoneo y Acoso en Connecticut
Guía para padres y tutores
Parents Guide to Bullying and Harassment in Connecticut
Questions and answers about bullying in Connecticut schools
Practice Guidelines for Delivery of School Social Work Services
Guidelines for professionals developing and implementing school social work services for Connecticut students
Reducing Chronic Absence in Connecticut's Schools
School district administrators can use this framework to plan and implement preventions and interventions that will help reduce chronic absence in prekindergarten through Grade 12.
Standards for Educational Opportunities for Students Who Have Been Expelled
Connecticut law requires LEAs to offer an “alternative educational opportunity” to students who have been expelled in certain circumstances and further provides that LEAs may offer such an opportunity to any expelled student.