Assessment - Curriculum Designers
Smarter Balanced Resources
- Connecticut State Department of Education Comprehensive Assessment Program Portal – This site provides access to resources for the Smarter Balanced Assessments in Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy, CMT/CAPT Science Assessments, and the Alternate Assessment
- Connecticut State Department of Education Comprehensive Assessment Program Portal: Practice and Training Tests – The purpose of these training tests is to become familiar with the system, functionality, and item types; the tests are not intended to guide classroom instruction. The training tests are designed to provide students and teachers with opportunities to quickly familiarize themselves with the software and navigational tools that they will use for the upcoming Smarter Balanced Assessments for Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy.
- Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments -This site provides important background information on the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments as well as links to resources to support classroom instruction. Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments/ Classroom Activities – ELA/Literacy and Mathematics
- Smarter Balanced Interim Assessment Classroom Activities – ELA/Literacy and Mathematics
- Smarter Balanced Assessment Rubrics: English Language Arts/Literacy & Mathematics
- Smarter Balanced Digital Library- is a searchable, interactive online collection of instructional and professional learning resources developed by educators for educators. These resources are aligned with the intent of the Common Core State Standards and help educators implement the formative assessment process to improve student learning. The Digital Library will also include resources to interpret data and reports from the Smarter Balanced summative and interim assessments
- Formative Assessment Resources: Try Them Today, Tomorrow, or Sometime Soon (Smarter Balanced in collaboration with Teaching Channel)
SAT Resources
K-12 All Subjects
- An Introduction to the EQuIP Rubric - Learn more about the EQuIP (Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Product) Rubric for mathematics and ELA/literacy grades k-2 and 3-12 (webinar from Learn Zillion and Achieve.org)
- Strengthening Lessons with a Student Work Protocol—This video illustrates how to evaluate a lesson using the EQuIP rubric (Achieve and Teaching Channel)
- Smarter Balanced Assessment Rubrics: English Language Arts/Literacy & Mathematics
- Assessment Design in Expeditionary Learning Grades 3-8 ELA Curriculum – This document outlines a step-by-step process for designing effective assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards. You will need to scroll down once you are on the site to get to this resource.(commoncoresuccess.elschools.org)
- EQuIP: Educators Evaluating Quality Instructional Products (achieve.org)
- EQuIP Quality Review Rubric for Lessons & Units: ELA/Literacy (Grades 3-5) and ELA (Grades 6-12)-(Editable PDF) (engageny.org)
- Peer Review in Action: The ELA EQuIP Rubric— This video introduces a Student Work Protocol to evaluate an ELA/Literacy lesson using the EQuIP rubric (Achieve and Teaching Channel)
- Project Based Learning Rubrics –from the Buck Institute of Education are designed to help teachers and school leaders reflect on their practice, measure student learning and plan for professional growth. (bie.org)
- EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Mathematics (achieve.org)
- Peer Review in Action: The Math EQuIP Rubric— This video introduces a Student Work Protocol to evaluate a Math lesson using the EQuIP rubric (Achieve and Teaching Channel)
- EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Science – The NGSS EQuIP rubric describes a set of criteria for high-quality science lessons and units.
- What can the EQuIP Rubric Do For You? – This blog hosted on Teaching Channel provides an in-depth discussion of the NGSS EQuIP rubric as well as links to websites and resources to facilitate implementation of NGSS in the classroom.
- NGSS Video Series–This video series, produced through a collaboration between Achieve and Teaching Channel, helps educators gain a deeper understanding of the features and shifts that are inherent in the NGSS. Videos showcase explicit “look-fors” used to evaluate the quality of instructional materials using the NGSS EQuIP rubric.
K-12 All Subjects
- Achieve OER Evaluation Tool Handbook (achieve.org)
- The EQuIP Collaborative: Educators Evaluating Quality Instruction Products, February 2013 (achieve.org)
- Toolkit for Evaluating the Alignment of Instructional and Assessment Materials to the Common Core State Standards (achieve.org)
- Implementing CCSS and Assessments using the delivery action plan (achieve.org)
- Tchrs’ Voice, a Teaching Channel blog - Back-to-School Backpack: Think About Assessment -This blog offers many ways to think about assessment with live links to resources.
- CCSS Instructional Practice Guides: ELA / Literacy—CCSS Instructional Practice Guide for K-2 ELA / Literacy, CCSS Instructional Practice Guide for 6-12 ELA, CCSS Instructional Practice Guide for 6-12 Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects, CCSS Instructional Practice Guide for 6-12 Literacy in History/ Social Studies (achievethecore.org)
- Mathematics Performance Assessment Tasks—These CCSS aligned formative performance assessment tasks, with accompanying scoring rubrics and discussion of student work samples, are arranged by grade or mathematical strand. (The tasks for grades 3-12 were developed by the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS) of the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education, University of Nottingham, England. The tasks for grade 2 were developed by the Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative’s Mathematics Assessment Collaborative (MAC). (insidemathematics.org)
- Materials Analysis Tools (NCSM, webinar and materials) (mathedleadership.org)
- CCSS Math Instructional Practice Guide-Grades K-8 (Student Achievement Partners)
- CCSS Math Instructional Practice Guide High School (Student Achievement Partners)
- Tchrs’ Voice, a Teaching Channel blog – Tests Without Grades: Learning Moments – This blog showcases the value of students learning by mistakes. It also links directly to a 7 minute companion video, for Grades 6-12 Math, “Highlighting Mistakes: A Grading Policy” (teachingchannel)