


Nobody will hire me.

Many people fear that they won’t get hired for a job. During the job search process, your PIE counselor will learn about the unique skills you have and connect those skills with a job that meets your skills and interests. You may explore a few job options before finding exactly what you want, but your PIE counselor will work with you to find a job that is best for you.


I’m not ready to work.

Everybody is ready for work! PIE can provide support and guidance to help you feel prepared to go to work. PIE can offer training to teach all of the skills you need to do that job. Your PIE counselor will work with you to determine if you need extra support or training to be successful.

It’s not safe for me to work in the community.

People with disabilities are generally safe at work. PIE will help you make connections to your employer and coworkers, so you feel safe and supported while working. You will not be alone. Your PIE counselor also will help you determine if support may be needed for you to be safe while on the job and create a plan that meets your needs.


If I work, I’ll lose my benefits.

You can work and keep your benefits! Lots of people with disabilities work and still receive benefits. Benefits counseling and financial literacy support are available to all PIE participants. These trained professionals will answer all your benefits-related questions and ensure you know how to manage the money you earn from working.

I don’t have a way to get to work.

There are lots of ways to get to and from work. Your PIE counselor will help you explore transportation options in your community to help you get to and from work safely.


I won’t make friends.

You can make friends at work. Meeting new people can be scary but it also can lead to new opportunities and experiences. You and your coworkers all chose to apply for this job, so you already have something in common. As you get to know each other, friendships will form over time.


I will fail at my job.

Everyone is nervous when they start a new job! PIE counselors can assist you in finding help to learn new job tasks. Some people have to try a couple of jobs before they find one they like. PIE staff will work with you to explore all your options and find the best fit.

* The contents of this resource were developed under a grant number H421D220007 from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C.§ § 1221e-3 and 3474)