our services
Our Services

Our services for businesses are as diverse as our talent pool and the partners we work with. Each business is addressed individually to ensure we meet your needs and that of your prospective employee(s) effectively.

Our services to you include:

  • Trial Program
  • Wage Reimbursement
  • On the Job Training
  • ISTPPs
  • Disability Awareness and Training Support
  • Tax Credit

For more about our services and how you can benefit from a partnership with BRS, complete our online form and a workforce counselor will get back to you soon.

online form

Trial program
Trial Program
Why just interview an applicant when you can see them perform the job?!  A business can “try out” the job seeker for a no cost trial before making an official employment offer. The employer pays nothing out of pocket and decides the schedule and job tasks.
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Wage reimbursement
Wage Reimbursement
Our Trainee Wage Reimbursement program is a great way to train new employees without having to worry about the company’s out of pocket expenses.  Business is reimbursed 130% for the wages it pays to the new employee for the agreed upon training period.
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A man in a wheelchair celebrating a job win with his office colleague
On the Job Training
BRS facilitates On the Job Training where businesses will be reimbursed for the one-to-one time spent with the trainee.
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Colleagues discussing work stuff in a workshop meeting
Industry Specific Training and Placement Programs (ISTPP)
A customized plan is developed and is designed to respond to the recruitment and training needs of a business. 
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Disability Awareness and Training Support

BRS provides customizable disability inclusion training on a variety of topics for both employees and managers. This training promotes team building, communication and creates a culture of inclusion where all employees can thrive.  Speak to our Projects coordinator to learn more. 

Tax Credit

Tax incentives and credits are available to employers who hire individuals with disabilities. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a federal business credit available to employers who hire individuals from targeted groups including individuals with disabilities and consumers of Vocational Rehabilitation. The Disabled Access Credit provides a non-refundable credit of up to $5000 to small business who incur expenditures for the purpose of providing access to individuals with disabilities. For more information on Employer Financial Incentives visit the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Including at https://askearn.org/page/employer-financial-incentives.