CTP - Parents

What does CT PIE offer your family member with disabilities? 

CT Pathways to Integrated Employment (CTPIE) is a state of Connecticut initiative that helps your family member with intellectual and developmental disabilities find employment, working side-by-side with people of all abilities and earning competitive wages and benefits. There are many benefits to being successfully employed. It provides a sense of achievement, confidence, and purpose. Having a job allows your family member to have the financial freedom to afford the things they want to have and do, and the opportunity to broaden their circle without losing the support or services they already have and benefit from.

Who can enroll in CT PIE?

If you are a student with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (I/DD) who is eligible for the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), and you are interested in employment after high school.

If you are an adult with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (I/DD) who is eligible for the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and are currently working in sub-minimum wage employment, which means earning below the current CT state minimum wage, and you are also interested in earning competitive wages and benefits. 

You may be able to participate in CT PIE.

What is DDS Eligible?

To Learn about DDS Eligibility visit Eligibility Fact Sheet

 How can you get involved?

As family, we know you want to ensure your family member with a disability is making the best choices for themselves, while keeping them safe.

We also recognize that having a job is something you might not have considered for them, but it is possible. Everyone that wants to work should have the opportunity to do so and can do it successfully in the right environment, with a job matched to their skills and abilities.

Our staff are committed to making this a positive and welcoming experience for you and your family member. Our approach is focused on them, their needs and abilities, and promotes long term success.

We encourage you to be actively engaged so that you are comfortable in the decisions being made and support them in making informed decisions about their employment.

So, what can you do?
  • Let them know they have your support and encouragement.
  • Allow them to explore their interests.
  • Support their development of job skills.
  • Help build their self-advocacy skills.
  • Encourage their willingness to try new things
  • Allow them to make mistakes. Trial and error is part of the job search and development process.
  Ready to give CTPIE a try? Complete our contact us form and one of our CT PIE counselors will get back to you.