CTP - Educator Circle

As an Educator you can help.

CT Pathways to Integrated Employment (CTPIE) is a state of Connecticut initiative that helps eligible youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are exiting from special education to find employment, working side-by-side with people of all abilities and earning competitive wages and benefits.

CTPIE offers a pathway to work through specialized services tailored to each person’s unique skills, interests, and abilities. This helps to ensure all people who want to work have the opportunity they deserve to be successfully employed. Employment is an important part of everyone’s life and an important part of transition into adulthood.

Who can enroll in CT PIE?

If you are a student with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (I/DD) who is eligible for the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), and you are interested in employment after high school.

You may be able to participate in CT PIE.

What is DDS Eligible?

To Learn about DDS Eligibility visit Eligibility Fact Sheet

Why get involved?

As an educator, you have spent countless hours with your students and understand their motivations, needs and unique talents and skills. The relationship you have built with them, and their families, is a meaningful one, and carries a lot of value and influence.

You are a trusted source of information. At this new juncture in their life, you have the opportunity to be a voice that guides them towards a path they may not have previously considered. You play an important role in their transition into adulthood and can help influence what their future could look like.

How can you get involved?
  • Help drive awareness and interest about Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) as a viable option.
  • Share information about CTPIE to your student and their families.
  • Be an advocate of CTPIE.
  • Reach out to CT PIE counselors and discuss opportunities for your students.
  • Connect your student and their families to CTPIE.
Ready to learn more about CTPIE? Complete our contact us form and one of our coordinators will get back to you.