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STOP Violence Against Women (STOP VAW) Formula Grant

American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA)

Competitive Grant Announcement

Teen Dating Violence Intervention and Teen Electronic Victimization


Demonstration Projects

Click this link to the Grant Solicitation, Instructions and Forms


Applicants are limited to non-profit organizations, faith-based non-profit organizations, and local government agencies.


All applications are due by:     4:00 PM on THURSDAY, JULY 08, 2010


The Connecticut Office of Policy and Management is offering a competitive grant opportunity to create demonstration projects to reduce the incidence of dating violence.    The grant funds may be used to provide intervention services to teen dating violence victims and help communities gain access to expertise, training, and technology to develop effective policies and protocols for responding to dating violence and electronic victimization.

Questions or comments concerning this competitive grant solicitation should be sent to:

If you are having technical difficulties with the email address above, then use this address: 

All questions and responses will be posted on this webpage under “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)”.   Any amendments to this solicitation will be posted on this webpage.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Posted July 07, 2010

Question#14:  Does the DUNS number and FEIN number need to belong to the same organization?  Can we use the DUNS number from one project partner and the FEIN from a different project partner?

Answer:  The FEIN number and DUNS number must belong to the organization serving as the primary grant recipient.  If the project is selected for a grant and the primary grantee doesn’t have a DUNS number, then the grant will be withheld until the organization obtains a DUNS number from the federal agency.

Posted July 06, 2010

Question#13:  What kind of tracking system do we need to document personnel charges?

Answer:  Applicants that are awarded grants will receive detailed instructions on how to maintain documentation of personnel charges. Grantees must ensure maximum transparency and accountability for any work hours compensated with ARRA VAW funds.

Briefly, some of the requirements are: Old and new organizational charts; Position descriptions, Job postings, offer letters, and acceptance forms; Staffing lists; Timecards and payroll records; Budget comparisons and/or projections before and after the Recovery Act award(s); Minutes of formal meetings where official budget decisions are made and Employee activity reports.

Question#12:  I am trying to enter data on more than four personnel in the Budget and there’s not enough space in the “personnel” box.  Where do I enter the additional personnel?

Answer:   There is a character limit for the “Personnel” box.  You are unable to insert additional space.  If you need to enter additional personnel, then enter them in the box labeled as “Other”.

Question#11:  Is the “10% administrative cost” included in the project’s budget or is it in addition to the project’s budget?

Answer:  Administrative expenses can be no more than 10% of your total proposed budget.  For example, if you asked for the maximum $50,000 award, your administration expenses could be no more than $5,000 of that $50,000 (i.e.$45,000 spent on programmatic expenses, $5,000 spent on administrative expenses).  The administrative expenses are INCLUDED in the budget, not added in addition to the budget.

Question #10Is “paper” an allowable programmatic expense?

Answer:  Paper is not allowable as an administrative expense.  However, paper is an allowable program expense if the paper is used to implement your project’s goals such as being used for flyers, brochures, etc. 


Question #9:  Who should be the financial officer for this grant proposal?

Answer:  The financial officer for the grant should have signing authority as the chief financial officer for the organization and able to answer or address any questions relating to budgetary or fiscal aspects of your project.

Posted June 24, 2010

Question #8:  How many grants will be awarded?

Answer:  The number of projects that will receive a grant depends on the volume and quality of proposals received, scope of the projects and size of the population to be served.  Possibly, 10 -15 projects may be funded.

Question #7How do we submit the “Contract Compliance” forms given that they are not “fill-able”?

Answer:  Applicants should print-out the “Contract Compliance” forms, fill-in and submit the forms along with hard copy of the application.


Question #6:  Are applicants required to submit a “Letter of Intent” indicating that they are planning to apply for the grant?

Answer:  Applicants are not required to submit “Letter of Intent”.


Posted June 23, 2010

Question #5:  Can the grant funds be used for preventing “bullying”?

Answer:  No, the grant funds cannot be used to address “bullying”.


Posted June 21, 2010

Question #4:  Can public charter schools apply for the grant?

Answer:  Public charter schools operating under the authorization of the State Department of Education may apply for the grant.

Posted June 12, 2010

Question #3:  The RFP notes electronic victimization, but it is not mentioned as an element in the first two program components on page 5.  Do we have to address ONLY electronic victimization, or can it be addressed with other dating violence elements?

Answer :  Proposals may address electronic victimization within the context of teen dating violence as well as addressing other elements of teen dating violence.  

Question #2:  May we submit a proposal that covers multiple towns in the same county?  

Answer:  Applicants may submit proposals that include multiple towns.  However, the budget may not exceed $50,000 for the entire proposal.   Your “Narrative” should include data and information on the target populations for all of the towns included in your proposal.

Question #1:  "Page 5 lists the components that must be addressed in the project proposal in which there are 4 areas listed. However, on page 8, it states that proposals must address 1 or more purpose areas in which 3 areas are listed.  Which page has the correct components for the project proposal?”

Answer : 

Proposals must address one or more of the following Purpose Areas listed on page 8:

·         Develop a Coordinated Community Response to Teen Dating Violence

·         Services to Teen Victims of Dating Violence and Electronic Victimization

·         Improve the Criminal Justice System Response to Teen Dating Violence and Electronic Victimization

Within those 'Purpose Areas", the funds may be used to support activity components listed on page 5: capacity building, outreach and training, intervention and support, and training on electronic victimization.

For example, an applicant may choose to address the purpose area “Develop Coordinated Community Response” and design a component focused on “outreach and training” as a way to build a coordinated community response.


For more Information Contact:  


Questions from the media should go to: