STOP Violence Against Women Formula (VAW) Grant Program

Eligibility and Application Information

  PPI Banner Image JPG The Office of Policy and Management serves as the State Administering Agency (SAA) for the distribution of STOP grant funds in Connecticut.

The STOP Violence Against Women program was initiated in Connecticut in 1991 and awards are made annually to each applicant state and eligible territory by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). STOP grant funds are awarded by DOJ to applicant states based on a formula. The STOP Formula Grant Program has a 25% match requirement. This means that the state or sub recipient must match 25% of the total award amount. (Ex. If OPM grants $75,000.00 in federal funds, $25,000.00 must be match funds, matched by either the sub recipient or OPM, for a total award of $100,000.00). 

As the State Administering Agency, OPM receives funding and is then responsible for appropriately distributing the funds throughout the state. In accordance with the STOP Formula Grant program, OPM has an OVW approved 2022-2025 Implementation Plan for administering funds. Funding through the STOP grant is currently awarded to the Connecticut Judicial Branch, the Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice, The Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence, the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and the Hispanic Health Council.

In order to apply, potential sub recipients must submit a coversheet, narrative, and budget to OPM. Additionally, in order to be eligible for grant funds, applicants must have a UEI number, a FEIN number, written accounting policies and procedures, a financial management system able to track actual expenditures and outlays, in addition to other requirements. If you believe you are an eligible entity or would like to inquire further, please contact Emily Burnett at

OPM CJPPD is currently administering funds from FFY 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 federal STOP grant awards. Grant awards are made according to the 2022-2025 Implementation Plan. If you believe you are an eligible entity for STOP funding, please contact Emily Burnett at OPM CJPPD.