Body Worn Recording Equipment (BWRE) Grant Program


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The Office of Policy and Management, as directed by Public Acts 15-4, 17-225, 18-107, 19-11 and 20-1, is offering grants-in-aid to municipal law enforcement agencies, law enforcement officers under the supervision of Resident State Troopers and state university police department (special police forces established pursuant to Sec. 10a-156b) for body-worn recording equipment, dashboard cameras, electronic defense weapon recording equipment and digital data storage devices or services.

The passage of PA 17-225 adds additional authorized items, expands eligibility to resident state trooper towns, extends the time line of 100% reimbursement (therefore pushing 50% reimbursement a year out) and provides clarity on some points that were previously unclear.

The passage of 18-107 adds in the 100% reimbursement for data storage services for FY 2018 that was erroneously left out in PA 17-225 and extends the reimbursement for dashboard cameras not just for first time purchases, but for replacing those purchases prior to December 21, 2010.

The passage of PA 19-11 extends the 100% reimbursement to August 31, 2018.

The passage of PA 20-1 extends the 50% reimbursement to June 30, 2021.  It also reallocates $3 million of the remaining approximately $3.5 million to the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, therefore leaving $500K for the municipalities.

The passage of PA 20-1 of July Special Session adds a new body camera grant program under the Police Accountability Bill.  Please click here for more information.