Divisional  Structure
Budget Division Organization
Gregory Messner, Executive Budget Officer 860-418-6225
Tom Fiore, Assistant Executive Budget Officer 860-418-6265
Kathleen Demsey, Assistant Executive Budget Officer  860-418-6310
Regina Straka, Administrative Assistant 860-418-6224
Health and Human Services
Judy Dowd, Section Director 860-418-6259
The Health And Human Services Section of the Budget and Financial Management Division performs program, policy and financial analysis and budgeting for agencies encompassing approximately 45 percent of the state’s General Fund budget. The range of issues addressed by the section includes health care; welfare and social services; services for persons with psychiatric, substance abuse or developmental disabilities; child protection and child welfare, public health; and veterans’ services.
Staff Assignments
Education and Workforce Programs
Holly Williams, Section Director 860-418-6209
The Education and Workforce Programs Section includes the continuum of state agencies and programs that touch upon the development and sustenance of Connecticut’s workforce. The development of the state’s workforce depends on its premier education network. Formulating budgets and crafting policies for all of the state’s education agencies, including the State Department of Education and the constituent units of Higher Education is an important function of this Section. Linking education to economic development, this section also implements budgets and assists in the development of policies for most of the state’s economic development and workforce development agencies.
Staff Assignments
General Government, Regulation and Protection, Conservation and
Development, Transportation, Correction and Judicial
Matthew Daskal, Section Director 860-418-6328
The General Government Section is responsible for the budgeting and financial management of two branches of government and a wide variety of state agency functions within the third branch which encompasses over 60% of all state agencies. The Legislative Branch includes Legislative Management and the legislative commissions as well as the Auditors of Public Accounts. In addition, the section is accountable for preparing the Judicial Branch budgets as well as the budgets of all other criminal justice agencies and the Department of Correction. Executive branch agencies within the General Government section include the Elected Offices; the watchdog commissions which includes the Office of State Ethics, the Elections Enforcement and Freedom of Information Commissions; state staff support agencies such as the Department of Administrative Services, Information Technology, and Public Works; as well as the revenue collection agencies of Revenue Services and Special Revenue. Major regulatory agencies within the section include the Departments of Motor Vehicles, Consumer Protection, Banking, Insurance and Public Utility Control while the area of protection is represented by the Departments of Public Safety and Emergency Management & Homeland Security. The Departments of Agriculture, Environmental Protection, and the Agriculture Experiment Station correspond to the area of Conservation. Another major component of the section’s duty is the Department of Transportation.
Staff Assignments
Economics, Capital and Revenue Forecasting
Tom Fiore, Assistant Executive Budget Officer 860-418-6265
The primary functions of this section are the formulation and execution of the state’s revenue and capital budgets. The revenue function includes developing short and long range forecast of various national and state economic variables, monitoring monthly revenue collection data, and utilizing such information to produce a short and long range forecast of the state’s revenue sources which support the appropriated funds of the state. This also includes analysis and recommendations regarding various Executive and Legislative Branch proposals impacting revenues. The capital function includes working with the various agencies of the state in order to develop a recommended capital budget to be financed with the issuance of state bonds. The section serves as staff to the State Bond Commission and develops the agenda for the Commission where previously authorized bonds are allocated for their stated purpose at the appropriate time. The section is also responsible for:
· Preparation of the annual “Economic Report of the Governor”
· Preparation of the Expenditure Cap calculation
· Estimation and analysis of debt service expenditures
· Development of the state’s Ability to Pay case in labor negotiations
· Assisting in the preparation of the Official Statement related to bond sales.
Staff Assignments
Application Development and Support;
Employee Benefits and Workforce Issues
Scott McWilliams, Section Director 860-418-6405
Applications Development and Support Unit designs, develops, and implements information technology:
· For agencies to prepare and submit biennial budget requests and mid-term budget adjustments;
· For the Budget Division, with the Secretary of OPM, to formulate and publish biennial budget and midterm budget recommendations;
· To implement State fiscal policy through monthly and ad hoc financial and human resources budget execution and analysis;
· To apply budgetary financial and human resources controls with other State central agencies.
Employee Benefits and State Employees’ Workforce Issues Unit performs financial analysis and budgeting in the areas of fringe benefits and statewide issues that impact the state employee workforce.
· Estimates and budgets costs for state employee salary adjustments, state employees and teachers’ health insurance, state employees and teachers’ pensions and other state sponsored fringe benefits.
· Provides financial analysis and cost estimates necessary for any collective bargaining agreements as well as other special issues that may impact the state employee workforce with an emphasis on issues which cross agency lines.
· Ensures that standards are met and consistency is maintained across agency lines in dealing with personal services issues including establishing and refilling of positions for state jobs.
Staff Assignments
For Further Information, Contact:
Gregory Messner, Executive Budget Officer
(860) 418-6225