Cost Growth Benchmark Technical Team



Cost Growth Benchmark

Technical Team Members





Victoria Veltri, JD, LLM

Executive Director

Office of Health Strategy


Angela Harris

Chair, Phillips Health Ministry

Phillips Metropolitan CME Church


Luis B. Pérez, LCSW

President and CEO

Mental Health Connecticut, Inc.


Paul Grady

Connecticut Business Group on Health

c/o Alera Group


Patricia Baker

President and CEO

Connecticut Health Foundation


Zack Cooper, Ph.D., MSc

Associate Professor of Public Health and Economics

Yale University




Melissa McCaw, MPA


State of Connecticut

Designee:  Judy Dowd


Deidre Gifford, MD, MPH


Department of Social Services

Designee:  Kate McEvoy, Esq.


Paul Lombardo, A.S.A., M.A.A.A.

Director, Life & Health Division

Connecticut Insurance Department


Rae-Ellen Roy

Assistant Director of the Health Policy and Benefits Division

Office of the State Comptroller


Rebecca Andrews, MD FACP

American College of Physicians Connecticut Chapter Governor
