Press Releases

Gov. Malloy and Lt. Gov. Wyman Statements on Supreme Court Muslim Ban Decision
(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman released the following statements in response to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision upholding President Trump’s Muslim ban.
Governor Malloy said, “Today’s ruling is yet another reminder that elections have consequences. This decision underscores the cruelty and callousness of the Trump administration’s policies. As the fallout continues from their vile policy of forcibly separate babies and very young children from their parents, the administration will now resume enforcing the President’s hateful, discriminatory, and un-American Muslim ban, preventing some of the most vulnerable people in the world from seeking a better life in the United States just because of their religion. Just like the ‘zero tolerance’ family separation policy, the Muslim ban harkens back to some of the darkest times in our nation’s history, when Japanese-Americans were imprisoned for no reason other than their heritage, or Irish and Italian-Americans were barred from employment opportunities.
“Connecticut has opened its arms to refugees fleeing war, famine, and other unimaginable atrocities. And contrary to the lies pushed the President and his enablers, we are now a stronger, safer, more accepting state. In fact, Connecticut saw the largest decline of violent crime in the nation over the past four years. This Muslim ban will only serve to alienate our neighbors and harm the fabric and safety of our communities.”
Lt. Governor Wyman said, “This decision doesn't reflect the America I grew up in and love. For hundreds of years we have been the imperfect sanctuary for religious freedom, always working to make our country better – embracing diversity and pushing to create more just, equal communities. This is not progress in that direction and I am disappointed by both the decision and the idea it will make us any safer.”
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- Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy