Press Releases

Gov. Malloy and Lt. Gov. Wyman Call on President Trump to End His Policy of Separating Immigrant Families
(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman today released the following statements calling on President Trump to end the inhumane policy his administration enacted of forcibly separating immigrant children from their parents at the border:
Governor Malloy said, “The Trump administration’s willingness to push their vile agenda, completely disregarding the U.S. Constitution and basic human decency, knows no bounds. They have heartlessly torn children away from their families, locked them in holding cages in abandoned box stores, and subsequently launched a propaganda campaign of administration officials blatantly lying to the American people about it. It brings dishonor to our country and is the cause of extreme distress for many American citizens. The Trump administration is engaging in this ‘zero-tolerance’ practice that is reminiscent of one of the darkest moment in our history, when Japanese families in America were rounded up and detained in internment camps.
“Make no mistake – the Trump administration’s hands are not tied here. There is no law that mandates this practice. They are not being forced or coerced into stealing migrant children away from their parents. They are proactively electing to implement this policy and to take such actions. They are, in effect, taking these children hostage, inflicting a lifelong trauma on their innocent lives. It is cruel. It is cowardly. It’s un-American. As I have stated in the past, I will not condone the use of our military reservists to participate in any effort at the border that is connected to this inhumane practice. This vile practice must end.”
Lt. Governor Wyman said, “This practice represents a new low in American foreign policy and in our humanity – it certainly doesn’t reflect the country I was brought up in, know, and love. This isn’t about politics or policy, it’s about children who are suffering terror at the hands of the U.S. government. It’s wrong and it must stop. I deeply appreciate the doctors, lawyers, and advocates who have shown up in Texas ready to defend and care for these traumatized children. They embody the beacon of hope that this nation was once known to be.”
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- Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy