This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Applauds the House for Voting in Favor of Legislation Increasing Access to Affordable Housing

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy is applauding members of the Connecticut General Assembly’s House of Representatives for voting this afternoon to approve legislation he introduced to ensure all of Connecticut’s towns and cities are doing their part to build affordable housing. The legislation will now head to the Senate.

“Access to fair and affordable housing is good for families, communities, and for businesses,” Governor Malloy said. “While it is unfortunate that it was amended to remove some enforcement mechanisms, this bill remains a step in the right direction. I applaud members of the Connecticut House of Representatives who voted in favor of House Bill 5045, particularly Representative Roland Lemar, who has proven to be a true champion for housing reform. As it moves to the Senate, I urge our State Senators to vote in favor of this legislation, and further cement Connecticut’s standing as a leader in the development of fair and affordable housing.”

“Investments in affordable housing help us attract a young workforce and contribute to building a talent pipeline for business and industry throughout Connecticut,” Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman said. “This is important legislation that provides opportunity—for young people to set down roots, for seniors to stay in their communities, and for residents to be able to afford to live near where they work. I applaud the House for passing this legislation and urge favorable Senate action.”

“This critical vote by the House of Representatives is the first step toward enacting reasonable zoning reform in the State of Connecticut,” Department of Housing Commissioner Evonne M. Klein said. “It’s no secret that our state remains one of the most segregated in the nation. By ensuring our zoning laws better reflect the needs of our towns and cities, our residents will have greater access to opportunity.”

The Governor’s legislation is House Bill 5045, An Act Establishing Accountability for Fair and Affordable Housing through Zoning Regulations.

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy